View Full Version : in need of some comfort.

04-08-13, 02:04
Hi everyone. My name is james. I am a 32 year old male and I worry and stress about everything to the max. Also suffer from depression and anxiety. I have recently started to get palpitations everyday all day. Its its stressing me out soo bad. Its exhausting :( anyway, any words of advice and comfort would mean the world to me. Thank you all.

04-08-13, 02:38
Hi James,

I just wanted to welcome you to the site and reassure you that you're amongst fellow sufferers here, even though many of us are on the other side of the Atlantic!

We all have different worries and things that trigger our anxieties. The one thing we have in common is that we all know how it feels and the effect it can have on our lives. I'm sure you'll meet some great people here who will offer you advice and support, and your experience will help others too.

Don't forget that we're all in this together and there really is a way through it, no matter how difficult things may seem at the minute. If you haven't already, think about discussing how you feel with your family doctor - they're always a good starting point and will have seen this many times before.

Take care


04-08-13, 04:41
Thank you Pipkin. I really appreciate the support. Ive been having a pretty rough time lately with all this. I broke down crying this morning with the anxiety and fear of facing yet another day full of unpleasant heart palpitations and constant physical stress. I'm just very scared and frustrated. And also angry at them. They are so annoying and unwanted. I hope I can learn some coping skills from sharing with everyone in here. I'm glad I found this site. Thank you once again :)

04-08-13, 05:01
A big welcome from the city by the bay.
Lots of good information here.
Hope things will calm down for you soon.

04-08-13, 10:24
Hi James

Welcome to the boards.

The people on here are so caring and supportive and please take comfort that everyone on these boards is in the same boat. They may have different symptoms or be being treated in a different way but it all stems from the same thing.

You are not alone sweetie.

Just remember - and this is what I tell myself - that the palpitations only prove that your heart is working :yesyes: I know they are horrible and they can catch you off guard but try to distract yourself from them and you'll soon forget about them.....I know personally they are one of the easier symptoms for myself but you do and will learn to cope with them.....x

I agree with Pipkin, have you spoken to your doctor about them (by them I mean the anxiety)? It is horrible but they will/should give you some good coping techniques if not help you with medication.

Like I said though, these boards are a god send when your having a bad day and there is always someone around to listen and help you through it .

Welcome again and I look forward to hearing more from you

x x x x

04-08-13, 20:23
Thank you dearly for your kind words and support. I really need that right now. My doctor strongly thinks it is due to stress. I Jad an ECG which was normal. And a 24 hour monitor. I will be getting the results tomorrow. On one hand its hard to believe that stress is causing this to happen to me. Especially when I do all I can not to stress but it still happens. But on the other hand, I have had anxiety and depression problems for years. Just no palpitations. This is so out of the blue. That's one main reason its hard for me to cope with. Plus its just downright unpleasant and horrible. I wasn't getting them everyday when it started. But now I am. Yesterday I couldn't move or take one step without them starting. Maybe I am just very over stressed? I just confused to why this is happening. And because of all this I have become very depressed and I just want to sleep all day and lay in my bed all day. I'm too afraid to face the palpitations. And my stomach is all messed up. I have no appetite either. Which I think is from all the stress of having these horrid palpitations! If I could kick their ass I totally would.

---------- Post added at 12:23 ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 ----------

Sometimes I don't know if I can handle this. It just devistates me every time it happens. I start to panic and I feel like I want to run and hide in my room and stay there. Its seriously ruining my life. I don't feel like myself. I have become this scared depressed person who can't seem to get a grasp on this. Can anyone give me some advice on how to cope. I just really need some help with beating this. Your advice is much appreciated. Than you.

04-08-13, 21:21
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) I was also diagnosed with anxiety/depression, I'm on 20mg citalopram and find it very helpful, have you tried it? I've also been doing mindfulness and CBT.

04-08-13, 21:32
Wow! Thank you sparkle! That link to your anxiety advice is amazing. I will be looking through it and reading all I can. Btw, is citalopram lexapro? I have been prescribed lexapro 10mg. Advised to start with 5mg. Just worried about the side effects.

04-08-13, 21:35
I think citalopram is called Celexa in the USA. Lexapro is escitalopram, which is the slightly newer form. There is an escitalopram subforum here where you can ask about any questions or concerns.

I'm glad you found my advice useful. :)

04-08-13, 21:51
Thank you again. I'm glad I found this site. Everyone seems very nice and helpful.

06-08-13, 07:26
Hi! I'm fairly new to the forum but have already found it so helpful!! I'm sure you'll find the support you need on here. :welcome:

06-08-13, 16:51
NM. You need to see a doctor. You don't need to suffer the effects of anxiety/panic, there are drugs available which DO work and I am living proof of that.

From the age of 17 -28 I suffered anxious depression -on and off. However , at the age of 28 developed severe post natal depression which had me terrified, in fear for my life and sanity. I went to Docs and he put me on 20 mg of Paroxetine. After 2 weeks the horrid, stomach-churning anxiety and hopeless depression had lifted considerably and only continued to improve.
This drug changed my life completely. I was able to do things that previously caused me anxiety and fear.

I was put onto 20 mg Prozac as the Doctor believed it to be "gentler." This year, however, proved to be very stressful and difficult and as a result I relapsed 2 weeks ago with dreadful anxiety and depression. My doctor increased my doze to 40mg and today I am almost feeling normal! I am not going to say that I was free from side effects. I wasn't. I had loose bowels, sweating and trembling. BUT, 10 days on the increased dose and I am able to sit at peace and ENJOY watching tv. My appetite has improved and I am starting to feel genuine hunger again. I lost 1 stone in 2 weeks!!

Anyway, I encourage you to see your Doc and don't feel ashamed to take any help/medication on offer. You can be free from this. I'm almost there! ;-) You can be too.

Keep us informed as to your progress x