View Full Version : Airplane noises guide for a nervous flyer?

04-08-13, 10:01
Hello. Sorry if this is done to death but I cannot get the search button to work. (I cannot even remember my normal log in so not doing well today!)

Can anyone point me towards some good website with videos on airplane noises? My biggest fear when on a plane is that the strange noises I am hearing are somehow wrong and therefore threatening which just makes my panic worse.

I have been watching some you tube clips of planes landing and taking off taken from inside the cabin so I am getting used to all the very wide range of noise levels the engines make on take off and landing. Oh and watching people flying for the first time is amusing and making me feel much calmer about my flight next week!

Please help me prepare for this with any good sites you know of.

04-08-13, 10:11
I worry about the changes in noises on a plane too. My son did aerospace engineering at uni and I think he gets sick of me asking when he is flying with me. My best advise is to put on some head phones and listen to some relaxing music. There are so many changes in sound. Just accept them as normal. It is more about retraining your thoughts to say this is normal instead of thinking as I used to "what is that noise why has it changed"! Sorry I don't know a website but I guess even with that it cant cover every change and I think it would just serve to make you even more aware of the noises.