View Full Version : Mindfulness

04-08-13, 14:25
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has tried mindfulness and finds it has worked for them or can recommend any books or courses? I'm in the throes of (hopefully) buying a new home and it is pushing all my panic/anxiety buttons, a great opportunity to practise relaxation and stress control but I find worrying thoughts coming into my mind about 1000 times a day and it is very wearing.

04-08-13, 14:54
Yes! If you search under "therapies" on this forum you will see a recent thread I started on FREE NHS Mindfulness courses.

Also try reading Sane New World by Ruby Wax...........it really has turned me to Mindfulness at that is why I am booked on the NHS course in September.

Her book is funny,insightful, and will teach you how to do it.

I cannot recommend this book enough!!!

04-08-13, 16:10
Highly recommended if you have anxiety or not.

Check out Jon Kabat-Zinn on youtube.

04-08-13, 20:28
I did a six week course on mindfulness. It was a free one through mind.
It was absolutely amazing and I honestly cannot recommend it enough.
It really has changed the way I look at anxiety.
I try and practice at least 10 minutes a day now and if I have a big 'something' coming up I might do a twenty minute practice everyday and a few half hour ones. (Practice involves either listening to a downloadable cd or meditating)
I really look forward to those time outs on a stressful day as I know I can really relax for a few mins and turn off.

04-08-13, 20:36
Mindfulness has been recommended to me by my counsellor, I have listened to some meditations with a Mindfulness book by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. One of them was to do with being kind to yourself. I found that really hard. In fact the whole Mindfulness thing appeals to me but I find switching my mind off really hard. Any tips would be appreciated. I know that taking time out would help me but it seems hard to stop long enough to do it.
Goldfinch, I a, sure Mindfulness would be very helpful to you.

04-08-13, 20:42
It is hard to start with. The course was pretty intense.
But they pointed out that anxiety feelings( depression etc) feelings aren't learnt overnight so therefore you won't unlearn them overnight either.
Doing a course it worthwhile I think as you are with generally about 8 others. O. My class some had depression some had anxiety and one was there for pain relief.
Nearly every class I fell asleep during the meditation.
Maybe have a look if you can see a class local to you.

04-08-13, 20:50
I must admit If I listen to the meditations, I start to yawn!!! I imagine this is a sign I am relaxing. For some reason, I feel that letting go of thoughts and not engaging with them is the bit I really need to address. Also, I know for certain that a form of medication would help me. It's so odd how we find it hard to do things that we know will help.

04-08-13, 21:52
I reckon the meditations have to be approached from mindfulness, rather than approached from anxiety reduction :) Meaning that if you gave the theory a lot of research first and learning and practised throughout the day you might find it more helpful Auntie T x

I find it difficult to meditate when my mind is filled with thoughts, so I don't try to concentrate, I just watch the thoughts float about instead. No need to stop them. That's just one mindfulness tip! I never got round to my big mindfulness post I was going to do.