View Full Version : Pinkish mole, not cherry angioma?

04-08-13, 14:32
So, over the past few months I have noticed behind my left ear a small mole. Or at least I thought it was a mole, and still hope it is. The thing is, all my moles are brown (I am cursed with more of them than I would like, to be sure). This one is pinkish or reddish in color. It can be a bit tender to the touch, but it sits near the stem of my glasses, and I probably also picked at it a bit. Guess what I am asking, is do you folks have reddish or pinking moles? It is a usual shape etc, but it does not look like a cherry angioma, as I have a few of those.

Anyway, I just went to the doc last week and only thought about this yesterday, and YESTERDAY posted how well I was doing, and for the most part still am, but it is like I am subconsciously LOOKING for something to worry about.

04-08-13, 15:37
you may have just been bitten by something which has left a pink mark or maybe it is a spot and is just being irritated by your glasses... doesn't sound like anything sinister to me really.

04-08-13, 16:00
Sounds like a spot/pimple as moles don't hurt to the touch.