View Full Version : Blood in scalp, too scared to google, please help

04-08-13, 14:35
I've been having a serious battle with anxiety for over a year now, and I've managed to get on top of most of my fears and rationalize them, thanks to a supportive family, an understanding GP, NMP.
I've learned the hard way not to google, but there's something that's been bothering me for the last few months, and scared me particularly bad today. Sometimes I'll touch the back of my head and see blood on my finger. Not much, just a drop, like you'd get from popping a zit. It happened again just now, and I know not to google but I am scared and hoping someone knows what it is, and hoping to God it isn't a sign of something serious. I'm terrified of immune disorders, and it's always my first thought whenever I find something. Please, someone help. Anything to keep me from googling and turning into a wreck again :(

04-08-13, 15:14
Hi, I have had psoriasis before in my scalp which can be bought on by stress and also can bleed when sore especially if itched, it's nothing to worry about just a skin condition, just a thought that you might have something like this. I am not a doctor but I would not think anything at all serious would result from a drop of blood.
Take care Kim x

04-08-13, 15:17
There must be a spot or something there to get the blood from. It is highly unlikely you would be bleeding from your head without some sort of wound/spot etc.

04-08-13, 15:33
Thank you both. Rationally I know nobody ever died from a spot on their head, and that the head bleeds more than anywhere else no matter how slight the wound or sore because of the high concentration of blood vessels relative to the rest of the body.
But it's just how the fear takes over. Your rational side feels like one guy talking quietly and calmly in a full panicky, shouting crowd.
I'm starting therapy in a few weeks. It's just taken so long to get there, and my year's been full of things like this setting me off.

04-08-13, 15:59
If it's been going on for a few months it might be due to a minor infection or a boil, etc. Best thing is to have it looked at.

04-08-13, 22:06
The best thing to do would be not to mess with it. I've struggled with hair pulling and the like and my scalp gets very irritated and inflamed, all the time. I'd have it looked at to rule out a local infection, but you are definitely ok!!!!