View Full Version : Feel like im going downhill fast, any advice?

04-08-13, 15:39
Hi my anxiety buddies I hope you are all well today.

I haven't been on this site as much recently as ive been trying to keep away from most things anxiety related in a hope I can begin to move on from this stage of my life (the worst stage of my life ive ever experienced).

I have given in and am making this post as I just feel like im going downhill. I started a new job after a year off work with anxiety. The week just gone was my forth week at the new job and it was probably my worst so far. I was having random sharp pains in my head on and off all day along with various other strange feelings in my head. I do get these most days anyway but last week was just none stop and it really grinded me down and kicked off my health anxiety again and convinced me there is something medically wrong with me. I don't let this symptoms get me in a panic anymore but they really do wear me down. Since then Ive just had a really depressing weekend with on and off feelings off complete doom and hopelessness.

Today I woke up at about 5am after a couple hours sleep with bad stomach pains. Stomach pains is something I rarely get so as it is new to me its got me worked up. Been having diarrhea all day and every time i try and eat my stomach starts hurting again.

I just feel so hopeless, this anxiety/depression just feels never ending. I have pushed myself back into work and thought I was beginning to overcome some of my anxiety but when I wasn't feeling super anxious i just started feeling hopeless and depressed.

I see no point in anything now, i don't enjoy anything, im just going through the cycle of anxiety and depression, 1 week thinking im getting slightly better and the next im getting a lot worse.

I don't really want to ask for time off work to go to the doctor as ive just started this job, plus there's not much the doctors going to do anyway apart from ask if i want to go back on anti depressants (I am debating this at the moment)

My emotions are just all over the place.

Not sure what questions I was going to ask in this thread, just guess im going through a bad time and feel things are getting worse again, feel like I could go back to the worst place ive been and i dont think i could do cope with that again. Kind of back in the looking for reassurance loop I guess and looking for some advice. Thanks for reading guys.

04-08-13, 15:53
I wonder if you have eaten anything to start the stomach pains, which have started the diarrhea.or maybe been in contact with some one who has had the same problem. Or maybe your anxiety has brought this on, with starting the new job.
If you are feeling that your health is suffering , perhaps a visit to GP would help.
I am sorry you are feeling low today. I am sorry too that I cannot help you more:hugs::hugs::hugs:

04-08-13, 16:04
Hi gotagetthroughthis .
my aniexty is very bad just now.
i cant even go down my high street to the shops as i start to have diarrhea feel very sick and dizzy.
but i am going to try and go with the flow and see what happens.
as i need to take my son to the hospital tomorrow and i am so scared about it now but as his mum i need todo it.
i am glad you have went back to work well done on you
lots of love to you
celticlass xxx :hugs::hugs:

04-08-13, 16:14
Hi Celticlass my friend, am sending you:hugs::hugs:
You will be ok. Don't worry.
Lots love xx

04-08-13, 18:02
Thanks Guys, Just feel so depressed and anxious today. Thanks for the replys x

04-08-13, 18:19
So sorry to hear how you are feeling Gotta...

First of all well done for getting and sticking with your job, you should be very proud of yourself :yesyes:

Perhaps it is time to have a chat with your GP if your usual coping strategies are no longer working? The problem is once we start ruminating and procrastinating, things can spiral out of control.

Look at all the positive things you have achieved...I do hope you find the best way to move yourself forward from this.

Sending you big hugs :bighug1: take care, Kitti x

04-08-13, 19:15
Hi there I have the same thing I started a new job in may and I get terrible chest pain like stabbings and feel I am having a heart attack, I also have the depression and I can honestly say I talk to my self in my when I feel it coming on I tell it to get lost and believe it or not sometimes it does I also take calms 3 times a day they have really helped to and there herbal, it's hard and horrible but when u have those good/on the mend moments try to think of those any negativity u feel replace it with a positive I truly understand how hard it is xx

04-08-13, 20:39
Thanks Kittikat, Evey1986.

Yea I try not to let these things get on top of me but it all gets to much sometimes. Im having these stabbing pains in my head every day and there starting to worry me more and more now.

04-08-13, 21:58
The thing is that with anxiety it's almost like you wait for it, like me the more I think about it or think "wow I haven't had chest pain today and I can't breathe normal" all of a sudden it comes on its almost like we are waiting for it and its normal to happen yet when it doesn't we question that also so our minds play tricks on us, it is awful but try meditation and listening to calming music before bed u can get fabulous ones on YouTube, and I know it's hard but when the pain does come acknowledge it cause u felt it but then brush it off :) xx

05-08-13, 15:02
The thing is that with anxiety it's almost like you wait for it, like me the more I think about it or think "wow I haven't had chest pain today and I can't breathe normal" all of a sudden it comes on its almost like we are waiting for it and its normal to happen yet when it doesn't we question that also so our minds play tricks on us, it is awful but try meditation and listening to calming music before bed u can get fabulous ones on YouTube, and I know it's hard but when the pain does come acknowledge it cause u felt it but then brush it off :) xx

Agree with this.
Anxiety can play havoc with your guts and give you headaches.
I've got IBS because of my anxiety

09-08-13, 17:52
Have had the worst day. These head pains are still there every day but now im getting this severe pressure in my head that is building and building. I really dont no what to do.

09-08-13, 22:26
sorry your feeling crappy :hugs:
frosty xx

09-08-13, 22:51
Sorry that things are so bad at rhe moment.

You have probably tried meditation and relaxation, but if not there is a free app called the Insight Timer. I often do the first guided meditation on there to help me relax.

There are also lots of meditations on You Tube. If you search on Jon Kabbat Zinn body scan it will find the mindfulness exercises that come with his mindfulness book. I find this helps too.

Hope you feel better soon.

10-08-13, 11:43
Thanks for the reply's guys.

Today is just a continuation of getting worse. I am having strange sensations all over my body, head feels pressured still. I am having waves of panic.

I have pushed myself so far from how I was a year ago and now I really do feel like im relapsing. I do believe there is something going on medically/physically. Its easily possible that I have a medical issue along with anxiety but when your doc knows you have anxiety that is what its put down to every time.

Im going back to the docs on Monday but I don't even no what i want from going there, my doctor isnt going to suggest anything other than going back onto anti depressants, which I think i am going to have to do but who can I even ask to be referred to about this head pressure and head pains etc

I have gone away and worked at this anxiety and still had these head symptoms every day for months and months, ive managed to ignore them for most of that time and try and get on with my life but they have just gotten worse and the anxiety has caught up with me again. I no the anxiety was always there but just not to this degree.

I feel lost, I dont what to do anymore.

10-08-13, 13:29
I am going through the same thing as stuartyd. I have had HA for 23 years almost, and my guts are an absolute mess right now because of anxiety.

10-08-13, 13:43
How's your stomach now did the diarrhea settle down?? I have posted about suddenly getting diarrhea and stomach pains on thursday and still suffering. It could be a bug for both of us. My anxiety has been building up as well because I do have chronic health problems that make me feel awful every day and I have not been coping with feeling so bad on top of worrying about it!

Head pains etc are usually dealt with by a neurologist but the wait is often long.

10-08-13, 13:54
Yea my stomachs ok now thanks I think that was just something I aite that didnt agree with me. Its the head symptoms that are really worrying me.

Yea maybe you have a bug countrygirl, hope you feel better soon.

10-08-13, 17:56
I hope you go on ok at doctors on Monday, I am glad you got over the stomach pains:hugs:

Countrygirl. I hope your stomach gets better, if it's a bug you have, should be settling down soon.
High anxiety sets me off with stomach problems:hugs: