View Full Version : newby

04-08-13, 18:41
Hi my name is Emma,

I have read some of the posts recently and its very comforting to know that even though i feel alone, i'm Not, i am suffering from anxiety with depression and have been getting regular panic attacks, i have always had these issues, so struggle to make and Keep friends who never understand me, so i am really looking for friends to chat to and to be socially accepted! Anyway cant wait to chat to some of you xx

04-08-13, 20:28
you are so not alone, we all struggle through depression, anxiety and health worries here and you can say what you like and ask what you want and get the reassurances you need welcome to our little group, and you do not have to worry about being accepted because you already are blessings

04-08-13, 20:42
Hi thank you, i found this site by chance when i was looking for self help to get my life back on track, its comforting to know that we can help each other x :)

04-08-13, 21:23
Hi Emma. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone, that's a fact :) We all understand how you feel.

All the best.

04-08-13, 21:32
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

Have you been to your doctor for help?

04-08-13, 21:37
Hi Emma :welcome:

05-08-13, 13:26
Hi Yeah i visited my doctor, but just got referred to an assessment for counselling, but failed the review to get further help, and now i am on my own trying to sort myself out, hence how i came across this web site, just needed to chat and realise that its not just me

05-08-13, 15:44
hiya Emma :D :)

05-08-13, 18:43
Hi Yeah i visited my doctor, but just got referred to an assessment for counselling, but failed the review to get further help, and now i am on my own trying to sort myself out, hence how i came across this web site, just needed to chat and realise that its not just me

I'm really surprised you haven't been offered further help, especially as you said you've been dealing with these issues for a long time. :weep: Did they give a reason why you failed your review? For example, did they say they don't think your problems are serious enough?

Are you currently on any meds? The reason I ask is because this can affect your scores on the anxiety/depression scales. When I had my assessment last year, I had already been on meds for about 6 weeks, and I had already improved significantly. So I was worried that my case wouldn't be considered severe enough to warrant CBT. So when I had my assessment I made clear to the assessor that my anxiety/depression scores had been much worse before I'd started the meds, and that I still wanted the CBT so that I'd be able to cope in the long term. The assessor agreed and I was offered a place on a Stress Control course. Maybe you could ask to be reassessed?

07-08-13, 22:12
I'm literally in the exact same position as you!! X x x

07-08-13, 22:28
They never gave me a proper reason, and i am only on sleeping tabs! Ive been self helping with books and internet mainly until i can afford a few sessions with someone x

---------- Post added at 22:28 ---------- Previous post was at 22:26 ----------

Hi Megymoo, i find it daunting and get so upset over life. How are you coping?

08-08-13, 22:02
Hi Emma. I too struggled with getting help. The cbt waiting lists here are months apparently and I'm not deemed 'bad enough'. I don't qualify for anything else. I was offered this external service who said I could do an online cbt programme or tai chi. I went back to the doctor and said I needed more and was offered a programme where I can have cbt. I really had to push as my anxiety is situational so for weeks I could be fine if I'm not in that certain situation.

Maybe it's worth going back and really stressing you need help. Or there might be a programme in your area like mine, maybe worth finding out. My doctor didn't mention it until i went back.

09-08-13, 21:27
Hi thank you for Your advice, i am going to go back to my doctors and see if there is anything else available As i am trying so hard to get me and my life back on track,but some days its just so difficult to think positive and be able to move on thank you for Your advice