View Full Version : Need someone to talk to

anx mum
04-08-13, 19:11
Im still getting pains in my chest and my breathing is still bad yesterday I felt so bad I took myself to a and e. My hubby had the children at home. They did another ecg and did bloods relating to my heart I had to wait a couple of hrs but bloods came back normal. I feel like my hubby is ashamed and dosent understand how I feel hes really cold with me I feel so alone. Ive got a sister but shes got a family of her own. It really hurts as I feel alone

04-08-13, 19:21
I've noticed you've been worried about your heart since your first thread in 2008, that's 5 yrs now of worry... You've had lots of tests and still won't believe your ok?
I'm not having a go at you, your fears are very real to you. But you have to get help for your actual health anxiety , you can't go on another 5 yrs like this.
What will it take for you to believe docs?
It will affect your home life, relationships..I'm sure they just want you to be well and happy and not always panicking ..

04-08-13, 19:28
I can totally relate hun and u are not alone but stormsky is right, I had had so many trips to a n e and to be told every time that everything is fine, it's horrible to feel this way but u have to focus on positive things and understand these are all part of health anxiety, I had eft back in feb and it really helped ( emotional freedom techniques) it's fantastic and helps alot I still do it now but it's only recently I established I had health anxiety.

anx mum
04-08-13, 19:45
I have been well in them 5 years. I do believe the blood test I had last night its just I was so scared and I felt no one was there:weep:. My hubby dosent get anxiety its hard cos I feel im alone. I miss my mum who died suddenly 8 years ago. Thanks for replying.

04-08-13, 19:49
Your never alone with us here for you.
You do need to get a grip on your HA though..
I'm sure your hubby will be more understanding if he can see your trying to help yourself.

04-08-13, 22:12
I know hun my other half is the same keeps telling me to get a grip etc which is the worst thing anyone can say lol even though realistically u know that's what u need to do, it really is hard and I have crap days I have days when I feel dreadful and think will I make the day etc, now what I have started to do is when I start to get those symptoms of anxiety and start to feel panicky like something is wrong I quickly get up and bolt around doing something or dance with the kiddies something quick and spontaneous to take my mind off it sounds silly but give it a go, also I used to eat so crap anything at convenience I used to drink shed loads of coffee and I was a smoker I cut it all out started taking multi vitamins drink loads of water and have some me time, relaxing music etc it does help, but u are definitely not alone I have horrid days and I feel like screaming why me!! But u know what we are entitled to them we have been through alot, but lets not dwell on that lets kick this anxiety up the a hole and tell it to get lost xx

---------- Post added at 22:12 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

Sorry about your mum also, but just think would your mum like to see you like this? Be strong for her xx

04-08-13, 22:27
With anxiety we take in a lot of excess air, and this can cause trapped wind. Trapped wind can cause pain, and breathing difficulties. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe properly, and I get chest pains, I usually have a can of coke when this happens and I burp a few times and it seems to clear the airways, making it easier for me to breathe, and the pain subsides. That's the only thing I can think of that it may be, but considering all your tests have come back normal, and nothing bad has happened in all this time, I wouldn't worry *hugs* Though I know it's hard not to, but that's why we have this board so we can talk about things :) PM me if you ever need a chat!

anx mum
04-08-13, 22:33
Thank u for your replies all of you:hugs:

04-08-13, 22:34
Imissnotworrying, you are so right I get that now alot of indigestion etc and I take gaviscon or like u say have something fizZy there are so many things anxiety does to u and thankfully now after learning loads about it I am starting to realise all the symptoms and what they are :)

04-08-13, 22:53
Try hypnotherapy it might cost a bit of money, theres no garuntee it works. But i am trying it at the minute and i have been feeling better. Worth a try