View Full Version : light bowel movements, yellowish? (sorry TMI...)

04-08-13, 22:22
I have been very stressed and anxious lately, I also had a couple omeprazole recently (decreases stomach acid) as i had tummy aches and I thought it was excess acid. They are gone now, but my stool (for the past two days) has been a tan/mustard colour, i'm freaking out :scared15: I'm trying to calm myself because I have no other symptoms, but I still worry when anything isn't 'normal' in my body. It's a normal looking stool, just this odd colour. Has anyone else had this?

(I've had omeprazole before, for a lengthy amount of time, I've also been stressed before, but never had this before....)

04-08-13, 22:27
Mine change colour all the time from yellow to dark brown

It all depends on what you eat/drink etc.

04-08-13, 22:32
thank you that does make me feel better! it just alarmed me because mine have never been yellow-ish. medium usually, dark sometimes, but never this light. i'd feel more comfortable if they'd go back to what i'm used to, but so thankful i'm not the only one or else i probably would start panicking lol. thank you :hugs:

04-08-13, 22:42
I've got an upset tummy at the moment and mine are like this lol tmi

05-08-13, 17:34
Yeah, light coloured stools aren't particularly worrying if we're just talking light brown. If they get to properly white (my doctor pointed at a magnolia painted wall and said 'we're not talking about this kind of colour are we?' when I asked her about mine!) then it could be a sign that something's up, but otherwise there's quite a range, which is affected by what you've eaten and also how long it's been in your bowels: I find if I'm anxious things move through a little more quickly and the result can be paler, whereas if I've been a bit, er, 'bunged up', they're much darker, so I guess it's to do with something that goes on in your bowels! Oh - also just noticed you're in the UK - I find mine are paler if I've been drinking a lot, and it's been hot recently, so could also be that.