View Full Version : Question about a lump

04-08-13, 22:59
Hey guys :)

I've had a lump in my lower left abdomen for a very long time (more than 8 years). It's never grown, it's always just kinda been the size it is. If I draw a straight line from my belly button to the left side, near my hip, is where it starts. It then just goes down in a diagonal way until the pelvis area. I have to press a little. It's a tube-like form, and more or less long. It's not very thick. Doesn't hurt, is slightly movable. Sometimes pressing it, I can hear a grumbling noise, as if there were tiny bubbles trapped there. My stools are fine, and I do not have any digestive problems. I'm 16. What could this be? Cancer? Lipoma? Please help, as I can currently not go to the doctor :)


04-08-13, 23:11
It may just be a lympth node I can feel one just below my belly button if the lump hasn't grown in 8 years I wouldn't be concerned if it was anything sinister it would of shown more signs by now xx