View Full Version : White spot at the back of my throat - worried!

04-08-13, 23:58
Have a yellow/white spot at the back of my throat, I forgot to mention it to my doctor last week. Does anyone know what this could be? I have tonsil stones so I'm used to seeing them on my tonsils but I find it unusual at the back of my throat. Strep throat?

04-08-13, 23:59
Sore throat...? I've had those white spots a lot but I've never had 'strep throat' - I have only seen it mentioned by Americans up til now. I thought it was just their version of tonsillitis. I think we all have bugs and sometimes they start winning for a few days. Throats tend to be where infection hits first so it could be anything at all.

05-08-13, 00:14
Sometimes I have a sore throat, its strange. I have acid reflux so I'm hoping its just a build up of bacteria, food, mucas? I know its gross but what do you think? I didn't realise strep throat was tonsillitis, I don't feel ill or have a fever so I doubt its my tonsils.

05-08-13, 07:15
Could be tonsillitis. It's doing the rounds at my work & everyone dropping like flies. Can make you feel quite poorly! Hoping it doesn't reach the office - so far, so good! xx

05-08-13, 18:15
I don't think so, I don't feel ill and tonsils look the same. Thanks for your reply. Does anyone else know what it is?

05-08-13, 19:42
Hi I had a strange white spot on the back of my throat and found out it was an ulcer.
It took a while to find out but in the end it was a damn painful one.

06-08-13, 00:06
Was it fairly small? I do have an ulcer in my oesophagus and I have medication, hopefully that should sort it? Thanks

06-08-13, 18:09
Sounds like a throat infection, gargle with some saline a couple of times a day and see your GP.