View Full Version : Leukimia fear

05-08-13, 04:59
I just have a question that i really cannot find anywhere on google which I know that I shouldn't with my condition of hypochondria. Since the beginning of may i have had leukimia fears. It's August now. Would leukimia have killed me by now? It's been 3 months. A lot of people say yes because I would most likely to get acute which would be fatal in weeks. I just want a second opinion.

05-08-13, 06:15
Hi, and welcome.

Nobody on here can give you a 'second opinion' because we aren't doctors and don't know you.

I think if you have felt so worried for so long, it is likely to be anxiety-related. However it is always worth seeing a doctor for anything whch you are so worried about (anxiety can make you feel so ill can't it!) and especially if you think there is something wrong with you. It isn't very likely to be serious, but if it happened to be something which needed treatment it would be much more sensible to bite the bullet and see a doctor rather than wait around.

05-08-13, 06:19
my sister is studying in the medical field almost graduated and she said its not leukemia it's just anxiety and because her and my dad bruise easily. i guess just bc my health anxiety started i started noticing every little thing. and I'm as pale as snow to make it worse