View Full Version : Numb hand in night - waking me up

17-10-06, 23:17
Hi all

I know we have loads of posts about numb arms and legs and tingling arms etc but I am trying to find someone that can relate to this.

Every night in bed I am awoken cos my left hand is numb and I sleep on my right hand side so how does that happen? It goes on and off all night! It freaks me sometimes cos I can't get the sensation back for a few minutes.

I can also lay on my back and my left hand goes numb and sometimes my right one too.

It is really starting to annoy me now.

I don't sleep on the hand that goes numb and I wake up and am quite aware that I am not sleeping/laying on it so what causes it?

I am not anxious atall - this has been going on for over 6 months now but like most of us I don't go to docs cos he will just insisit I am sleeping on it and I know I am not.

I asked the BUPA doc a few weeks ago and he said it wasn't a trapped nerve cos I would have it all day and suggested I see doc. Easier said than done - that will be another 3 week wait then!

Anyone know what causes it and how to stop it? I have replaced my pillows to orthopedic (spelling) ones and we have a serious new state of the art mattress and bed.

It is only at night and not in the day but is waking me up.

Do I have a trapped nerve that only shows when laid down? Am I going mad? It is not anxiety cos I hardly suffer that now and this is constant.

Any ideas? Just to-reiterate I sleep on my right and this is my left arm but can be my right one too but very rarely.

Any ideas or experience of this? What was the outcome?

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17-10-06, 23:25
Hi Nic,

I have a problem with my left foot going numb in bed. I've had it years now and doesn't annoy me any more. My doctor told me it was my anxiety and it's only been in the past 2 years I've believed her because I'm still alive. I do believe a lot of numbness and tingling in our anxiety bodies are always on the left side.

Take Care


17-10-06, 23:26
Hi Nic,

I've not had this (unless I've layed on my hands) but it sounds a bit like carpel tunnel syndrome to me maybe? I think that gives symtpoms at night mostly and can definitely cause numb hands. It may not be though as it can cause pain too I think and you don't mention pain. Just an idea anyway and maybe your doctor can help more.

Take care,

Lisa x

17-10-06, 23:28
hello Nic.

i have this every night and it wakes me up every time !!!!
i don't have any idea what is causing it either. i wish i did know
sometimes i can't even move my hand unless i pick it up with my
other hand and there have been times where i cound'nt even open
my hand without opening it up with the other hand
so i'm no help to this maybe someone else will come along

heidi (judi)

17-10-06, 23:40
Well obviously it is an intermittent prob then and there is comfort to be had from knowing it is only happening when you are laid down.

I was going to say a trapped nerve until I read down a little further. I wonder whether its worth seeing a chiropractor - they can be really good at this sort of thing. It's got to be something connected with your position hasn't it or it would be happening by day too.

I do regularly get numb arms in the middle of the night (cos I have slept on them) you should see me waving my very heavy totally numb arm around the room in the darkness, frantically trying to get the feeling back - I look like a flippin mad monkey! Even worse if it happens to a leg and you try and get out of bed and crumble to the floor (try doing that quietly in the middle of the night)!!

You are obviously compressing something mate [:I]:D

One should never be compressed in bed - unless asked politely first!!!

Love Piglet xx:)

17-10-06, 23:50
Hi Nic

I was going to suggest the same as Lisa - this sounds like it could be carpal tunnel syndrome which often occurs at night and is quite common, particularly when using a keyboard quite a lot.

Do you find it affects some fingers more than others?

There are things that can help like physio or sometimes steroid injections into the tunnel where the nerves run through the wrist into the hand. I don't think you are mad, imagining it but it doesn't sound serious either. The tunnel the nerves runs through is quite narrow and sometimes becomes inflamed.

Perhaps ask for a second opinion if your doctor is dismissing the symptoms.

Karen xx

18-10-06, 00:28
I had this as well. My doctor said it was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and suggested I get a brace. I got one and it helped some nights.

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


18-10-06, 00:37
Hi Nic,

My bother had exactly the same symptoms has you. It was Carpal tunnel syndrome I have just e mailed him and he told me its very common condition in the IT industry my brother is a web designer.

He asked me to pass this on too you:

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist causing symptoms like tingling, numbness, night time wakening. So you are not going mad.

He also said not too worry he was given anti inflammatorys and they worked for him. If you can't get too see your doctor Nic for three weeks this may help put ice on your wrist at night and try and keep it a straight as possible not easy working in IT eh ? Hope this helps.

Mel xxx

18-10-06, 00:40
I often have a numb finger upon waking up at a normal time and it lasts for 30 minutes or so. Can be different fingers though. It doesnt usually wake me up, and I just see it as an anxiety symptom.

Sorry I cant be of much help Nic, as so many of us do have anxiety enough to make it a symptom. Maybe its a left over symptom as you still suffer a bit, don't you?



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

18-10-06, 05:04
Found this on the web Nic

when somepeople tense up, they can tense up so tightly that they can turn off the blood supply to parts of the body, thus the numbness. And when you feel that, the anxiety increases, and other areas also feel numb like the lips, etc. Try a test on yourself. When you feel your hand go number, with that same hand, make a clenched fist and tight as you can and also tighten up those are muscles. Make the tightest fist you can and tighten those arm muscles and hold it for 30 seconds. Then completely release. See if the numbness in your hand goes away.

Hope it helps :)

18-10-06, 12:15
hi Nicola,yepi get it too!?I assumed it was poor circulation as i am overwieght and dont exercise :) in fact it has made me think i have a heart problem[well i would wouldn't i!!]I think the others may be right about you tho as you work in i.t..I dont suppose you have cysts on your wrists Nic?I have ganglion cysts on both of mine[mm how very attractive!]maybe thats why my hands go numb???never thought of that.I think you should see your dr,and dont let him fob you off!!!Love Mary Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

18-10-06, 18:41

Thanks for all the replies guys.

Last night I didn't get it atall but still didn't sleep well anyway lol.

I will certainly read up on Carpal tunnel syndrome as that sounds likely to me.

I have made a docs appointment but can't get in for 2 weeks. Oh well - I have had it months so what is another 2 weeks.

Do you think I should let him diagnose and then mention Carpal tunnel syndrome if he comes up with nothing else?

Anyway - thanks so much - I never google'd this so it is interesting a few of you came up with the same thing.


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18-10-06, 19:24
Hey Nic,

Funny, I get this too. Is it all to do with anxiety???? i dunno. I know it has many symptoms which I am sick of. Like you I changed me bed and all me bedding but didn't make a difference. So I dunno what it is. But it always seems to affect the left arm and hand. odd. Sorry ye not sleeping too good. Yet another of these annoying symptoms. Hope it settles soon and if ye find out anything I'd be interested to know too.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))

Take care,


18-10-06, 22:15

You could certainly ask him to rule Carpal tunnel syndrome out. I do this with my doctor after I have told him my symptoms and listened to his diagnosis and he will then tell me why he knows I haven't such or such.

It helps too put my mind at rest.

Mel xxx

19-10-06, 18:52
Hi Nic,

I sometimes lean on my left elbow and hand when reading on the computer at my desk and I think it makes my arm and hand go numb and night. Of course, my right arm and hand also does this but I think it is due to my sleeping on my right side. If you also tend to lean on your arm and elbow this might be causing some problems. Just a thought!

Take care and I hope you resolve this issue.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

19-10-06, 18:54
I have discovered that although I lay on my right hand side I have my left arm over and I am leaning on it with the wrist bent so that may explain somethings.

So could still be carpal tunnel.

Will see what doc says in 2 weeks I guess.

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19-10-06, 20:10
Hi Nic,

Have you considered the posibility that you are suffering from an RSI? (Repetative Strain Injury)

You use a keyboard day and night. Your right hand has the freedom of extra movement, as thats the hand which you operate your mouse with. The left is constantly situated on the keyboard (or holding a wine glass).

Now, you say it doesnt cramp up during the day..... prehaps it needs the resting period for the RSI to happen... that is probably why it only happens after you have stopped using the keyboard (that is in bed) (You dont use the damn thing in bed too I would hope)

Carpal Tunnel is invariably associated with quite a lot of pain, as it is nerve related. As you show no signs of pain, Im not so sure you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

However, I am not a Doctor, and you should seek professional medical assistance. Good Luck, and I hope the irritation goes away soon.


Ross x

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

19-10-06, 21:17

I know very little about RSI to be honest so could be that.

I hold the wine in my right hand haha so yes it gets more use than the left one!

I don't have any pain no - just the numbness at night which wakes me up.

Thanks for the reply

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01-11-06, 18:46
Well I went to the doctor's today - didn't see my usual one as it is impossible to get to see him within a month's time-frame and even this appointment was booked 2 weeks ago! Anyway, that is another gripe lol.

He did various tests on each hand and got me to resist him pushing each finger, then my hand and my thumb and my wrist and so on.

Then he tapped on the inside of the wrist just above the hand and asked if I had any tingling which I did very slightly the first time.

He said it was carpal tunnel syndrome like a lot of you already suggested - so thanks for that.

There are 3 treatments for it:

1) a wrist splint

2) An anti-inflammatory injection

3) An operation

I don't fancy an operation; I don't like the idea of the anti-inflammatory drugs so I said I would give the wrist splint a go.

He has to refer me to a physiotherapist who will also prescribe the wrist splint and that will take 1-2 weeks from now.

He suggested that I could try taking Neurofen each night before going to bed but there is a chance it will interfere with my asthma and some people get bad indigestion with it so I really don't want to take that either.

He also mentioned that sometimes this problem is related to the thyroid gland which interests me as I have problems losing weight and my mum keeps telling me it could be a thyroid issue.

I thought I had it checked earlier this year but he looked at the notes and it was Nov 2005 so I think when I see my usual doctor next week I will ask if they will re-check it.

Will let you know how it goes!

Funnily enough I was searching for this post and found one I did in Nov 2005 about the same thing so I have had it over a year and didn't even realise!

Thanks for all the advice and looks like some of you were spot on!

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01-11-06, 19:04

Glad it is sorted, at least it will put your mind at rest now and it can now be treated.


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

01-11-06, 19:11
there, another problem solved to ease your mind.




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-11-06, 19:43

Thanks guys

I am really pleased because today I have a "real" illness/problem with a fancy name! [:P][:P]

Makes a change from the usual "oh that will be anxiety related"

Now let's see if I can fix it so I can get some sleep!

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01-11-06, 19:56
So glad you got it sorted Nic,

My brother as you know has the same problem I have just phoned him and he wears a wist splint and it really does help. He has also had the anti inflammatory injection last year and it took it away completely.

Mel xxx

01-11-06, 20:03
*Sings A Happy Song*

Well Done for getting a diagnosis Nicola. Im sure your relieved that you now know what the gripe is, and hopefully the splint will help to reduce the pains you get during the night. And If nothing else, it will make hitting Alex a lot easier!

Good Luck

Ross xxx

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

01-11-06, 20:47
Mel and Ross

Thanks for the replies.

I will wear the splint at night and see how it goes as that is when it is the worst.

Ross - as if I would hit Alex lol. I can make him suffer in other ways - like not cooking!!

People will forget what you said
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02-11-06, 10:26
So glad you got a diagnosis Nic!Good to know it is SOMETHING rather than the anxiety thing!I have been sittin here tappin my wrists waiting for a tingle,NOTHING!!LOL!!Mine must be my cysts or my heart or my circulation or ....my......................lol!!!!Hey you could get your splint all dressed upwith ribbons and crystals!!Very stylish!!Take care,love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

03-11-06, 00:17
Hi Nic,

Glad the doctor was able to diagnose the problem. I hope the splint helps.

Take care,

Lisa x

03-11-06, 12:50
I can imagine some of the comments you may get at work about the reason for having to wear a splint on an overused wrist [:I];):D

Love Piglet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-11-06, 22:47
Last night I came home to an answer machine message saying can I go today at 2.15 pm to see someone.

Short notice or what?

Anyway I went along and the first thing that confused me was that I was sat opposite him and he said "which hand causes the problem". So I raised my left arm and said "this one" and he said "ok, is that the right or left arm" [:P][:O]

Ummmmmmm was it that hard?

Anyway .....

He asked me some really important questions like what job I did, what I was allergic to, had I had heart,lung, bone problems etc etc and how old was I - cos the form said i was born in 1916 not 1966[:P][:P]

Then all the medication questions blah blah

Then I woke up [Sigh...] and he gave me a wrist splint to wear at night and some exercises to do 3 times a day.

I have to go back in 3 weeks to see if it helps.

The thing is that I find it hard to put the wrist spilt on alone - I am sure it can be done - but it is fiddly and I need to get it on right at night.

So will let you know how it goes and whether I sleep or not!

People will forget what you said
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07-11-06, 22:50
Firstly, are you sure it wasnt 1916 you were born?

Secondly, What type of excercises? Is Alex Happy?

Thirdly, Place the splint on the table, rest your arm onto it, and pull the velcro straps across with your gob (its big enough) and use your other hand to fasten them.

Anyways, its been nice being part of this forum, I will now be banned :(

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

07-11-06, 22:53
Ross - well I feel 100!

Umm no - he will get no pleasure from it - not that kind of exercise lol [:O]

I tried that but can't get it right. It is fiddly. My gob big?? yes you are banned ;);)

People will forget what you said
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07-11-06, 22:54
Can I do the honours Nic lol


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-11-06, 22:56
Yes Trac

bye Bye Ross lol

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


07-11-06, 22:59
any last requests Ross lol, and that now means I will get to beat Ross everyday in the quiz cause he wont be able to play anymore woo hoo lol

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

08-11-06, 15:39
Hi Nic,

Just read your update. That was strange the right and left hand thing. I have know trouble knowing which is which because of my wedding ring:D:D:D

Hope you got the splint on ok did you sleep better?


Mel xxx

The kindness we extend to others in their their hour of need will return to us at the time we most need it.