View Full Version : Went to doc for anxiety meds

05-08-13, 08:46
Good morning.

This past week was so rough. Yesterday I had a fight with my wife as she cant take my anxiety anymore. My fears at the moment are alternating between brain tumour and pancreatic cancer. My left side of my face feels still weird sometimes and I had this discomfort in my back which I concluded to be pancreatic cancer.

It sounds silly but I really cannot take it anymore. If it werent for my kids I would have already ended all this.

Started Cipralex today. Will see what happens.

05-08-13, 09:45
It doesn't sound silly at all, in fact you sound like I did a few years ago. People who don't have health anxiety don't understand how bad it can make you feel.

What you need to do is to trust your doctor and just know that you will recover from this.


05-08-13, 10:23
:hugs:for you. good luck with the meds. x

Mike your video is very good thank you :-)


05-08-13, 10:42
Thanks Lesley I really appreciate the feedback. Hope the guide helps you out too.


05-08-13, 13:57
You're not alone my friend.
I have similar worries about every pain and ache.
What you have is an illness and is not something you choose to have and your wife should appreciate this and be more supportive.

Is this the first episode of HA you've had or has this been ongoing?

05-08-13, 14:28
Hi Stuart this has been ongoing for almost 6 yrs, but after the first 2 years I started to hide my worrkes from my wife.

05-08-13, 15:31
Being a parent has been a major driver in my HA. I'm terrified I won't see my kids grow up.

What I always try to tell myself is that if, worst case scenario, I did end up getting cancer at some point, what would be going through my head? I'd be wishing I was cancer free and able to spend quality time with my kids, right? Well that's exactly where I am right now. I don't have cancer and I need to stop worrying about getting it and make the most of my "healthy" time. I'm not saying it always works but it helps to calm me down a bit.

Some people also swear by Cognative Behavioural Therapy so if you haven't tried that it may be worth asking your GP about.

06-08-13, 15:16
This is my second day on cipralex. I have a tight neck and tightness is going up my hace up to temple. I am so worried. And I am feeling at an all time low. Can someone please relate to the cipralex?