View Full Version : How can I make friends?

05-08-13, 09:16
I'm a 15 (16 in 15 days).
I have sever depression, sever anxiety and stress etc.
I've lost a lot of my friends due to my mental problems and I don't talk to the friends I still have as much as I used to.
I'm just asking how can I become friends with people?
I don't go to school anymore, I don't have a job and I don't really go out.
I just want a best friend that will treat me normally and not leave me, who will help me when I'm down and understand how I feel and someone that is just fun and happy to be around.

I just don't know how I can make friends, I really don't.
If you're a girl or a boy aged between 15-17 please message me and could anyone help :c


07-08-13, 12:44
i am a mum of a 14 year old boy, and i realise things are difficult at this age, friends are not friends if they leave you when the going gets tough, you cannot really seek friends they will just come along and that is the best way to make friends, could you go to a youth club or something like this, i hope things go well for you blessings