View Full Version : I just don't no what to do anymore

05-08-13, 09:21
No one understands me at all . My family , friends just people . I try and I try and I get no where ! I've been suffering from panic attacks for 3 years getting worst by time I can't hardly do anything anymore . My self worth and esteem is at breaking point or is completely gone . I'm finding it harder . I just can't do the things a normal 20 year old should be doing basically having fun . I can never let go . Back story . I was badly bullied in school , which Meant I couldn't go to school because of I dropped out . Boys treated me like crap . Ex friends treated me like crap . I've no money or job . Spotty skin , look 16 , Pelops don't fancy me even if they did I couldn't speak to them . Life's pretty shit at moment . Went to the doctors they didn't do much but try and pop me up on pills and tbh ain't depressants over time aren't great . What hell is there for me . Why do bad things happen to good people ? I don't deserve what I'm going through !

05-08-13, 09:57
Hi, sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. If you have a fear of panic attacks ask your doctor to try you on Propranolol - its not addictive and it just curbs panic so that you can start to lead a normal life. It is a Beta Blocker so it just stops your body from using adrelanaline, which is the chemical that gets your body all worked up and ready for fight/flight. It will start working the same day and you need a plan to expose yourself to social situations, they will feel uncomfortable but you won't get the symptoms of a panic attack. You can slowly build your confidence again.

I had a panic attack 3 months ago and since then have been doubting myself and finding it difficult in social situations, to the point where I am now anxious just been in shopping centres or the cinema etc - Propranolol takes the increased hearbeat and anxiety away and I still feel a bit uncomfortable but I can get through almost any situation again and I'm slowly building my confidence again.

Hope this helps.

05-08-13, 11:30
I am sorry you are feeling so low at the moment and it sounds like a lot of this is due to low self esteem. You might find this work book helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=47
Have you had any counselling or cbt as I think this may be helpful to you. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

05-08-13, 11:48
Think about giving these guys a call http://www.nopanic.org.uk/
There will be someone on the helpline who will understand how you are feeling. They have cbt courses over the phone and are very supportive while you are working toward recovery. I have just completed my second course with them and think they are great.

05-08-13, 21:23
Hi hun :D :hugs:

NO, hunny, YOU DON'T deserve what your going through :hugs: its not easy and to get help and the right support, you have to push for it, which is not easy when you are acute with panic/anxiety.

What type of support has your gp offered, Mmm apart from the pills? If he/she offered you antidepressants, did doc test you for depression ??? it is clear that you NEED support hun and the gp can refer you to someone.

May I ask hun Why have you got NO money? I can totally understand why you can't work at this present moment in time, but aren't you getting any money at all? YOU SHOULD BE.

You have had some great advice already (as always )

I am soo sorry to hear you where bullied at school :lac: I was bullied myself at school, many years ago,( I am 49 years YOUNG :roflmao:) I feel sorry for my bullies now, it was THEM who had the problems.

I know its dame hard for you right now, :hugs:but you have made a start on helping yourself by joining this great site :yesyes: WELL DONE, you should be soooo proud of yourself :hugs: YOU ARE helping yourself hunny, but its going to take alot of hard work, time and the right support.

****I don't deserve what I'm going through ! ****

Just take a look at this sentence, note the words, going through. If you are going through something, that means at some point, YOU WILL come out the other side :yesyes: I found that small changes in the way I think helped me move forward.

Believe you can get better hun, if you truly believe you can get better your mind WILL find ways to do it..