View Full Version : Getting fatter! Help me!

05-08-13, 10:38
I started a thread about this a little while ago.
However, it just isn't getting any easier.

I am 5'6 and weight 11.5 stone, my weight fluctuates throughout the month, depending where I am in my period cycle.

I use my fitness pal app to keep track of what I have eaten and my calorie limit is 1700. The max for a woman is 2000.
I do sometimes go a little over.

Today for example is my dad's birthday so we are going out for a meal tonight. Which of course means naughty foods.

I really need help and it seems to have got worse since I came off the pill over a year ago.

Edit: however my waist to hip measurement tells me I am in good health. So confusing!

05-08-13, 11:01
weight is such a difficult thing. i would recommend either cutting out carbs and eating protein, fruits and veg, or do the on off diet you use two days a week where you limit your calories to 500 then the rest of the time no restriction my dad and partner do this and they are doing well with it good luck and blessings

05-08-13, 12:48
I think my body reacted very strangely to the hormones in the contraceptive pill.

When I first went on it, my weight dropped dramatically, so much so that the nurse was worried about me and told me if it carried on I would have to stop taking it.

Since then the weight has just piled on :( and it won't come off!

---------- Post added at 12:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

I also comfort eat due to my anxiety.

05-08-13, 14:05
Please don't drop carbohydrates. Make sure you are putting good things into your body: Whole grains, fresh vegetables, white meat, wild-caught fish, plenty of olive oils, a moderate amount of fresh fruit, soya milk, lots of nuts etc.

You say you comfort eat due to anxiety. This is tricky. Maybe talk to CBT about this? It's easy to replace one thing for another. In this case, might you be switching your HA for overeating? It's a nasty cycle.

05-08-13, 14:14
Please don't drop carbohydrates. Make sure you are putting good things into your body: Whole grains, fresh vegetables, white meat, wild-caught fish, plenty of olive oils, a moderate amount of fresh fruit, soya milk, lots of nuts etc.

You say you comfort eat due to anxiety. This is tricky. Maybe talk to CBT about this? It's easy to replace one thing for another. In this case, might you be switching your HA for overeating? It's a nasty cycle.

I know what you are saying, but its mega hard, especially since most of those foods you mentioned are very expensive.
Fast food/convenience foods are cheaper sadly. I know that's no excuse but I think you see my point.

The thing is I do eat a lot of nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits and olives etc but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
I know I'm not VERY overweight, I'm still a size 14 dress size but I am classifiedas slightly overweight.

05-08-13, 19:54
Yes it is expensive isn't it. I had a hm cottage pie for lunch today and for dinner quiche with toms, cucumber, yellow pepper and coleslaw. And two bananas. One for breakfast and one as a snack.

You don't sound like you need to worry so much :)

05-08-13, 20:34
Hi for some weight loss can be a hard thing.
I put lots of weight on when I started a drug called pregabalin and now I'm mucking about with several diets and mixing and matching them to see what works best for me and is also the most cost effective.

Take this morning I blended a cup of frozen peas and frozen spinach also a whole apple and some banana and strawberries all the cheap frozen stuff from Tesco (except the apple) and just blended it all together and had it as a smoothy and it last me through till 3pm.

Yesterday it was a whole orange minus the skin LOL and apple and banana blended and it was all the reduced stuff from the supermarket.

I think cost wise it worked out to be 50p a smoothy and it was a full meal for me.

Also gives you most of your 5 aday in a shot.

05-08-13, 20:40
I use the fitness app..I'm 5ft 7, 11 stone..my calorie intake allowed is 1400 ..
Are you looking to lose weight?
I want to lose a stone. And hence mines 1400 ..
You will gain weight if your eating nearer 2000 a day.

05-08-13, 21:10
I use the fitness app..I'm 5ft 7, 11 stone..my calorie intake allowed is 1400 ..
Are you looking to lose weight?
I want to lose a stone. And hence mines 1400 ..
You will gain weight if your eating nearer 2000 a day.

I thought the daily intake for a female was 2000 so anything under that would be considered within a dieting range?

05-08-13, 21:29
I thought the daily intake for a female was 2000 so anything under that would be considered within a dieting range?

For women it's actually 1740 , if you stick to that you won't gain weight. You just stay at your current weight. Go over it and you gain.
When you did the app it asks if you want to lose weight, how much and over what period of time, hence my target came out at 1400 , that's a stone to lose in 3 months.

05-08-13, 22:16
For women it's actually 1740 , if you stick to that you won't gain weight. You just stay at your current weight. Go over it and you gain.
When you did the app it asks if you want to lose weight, how much and over what period of time, hence my target came out at 1400 , that's a stone to lose in 3 months.

I think I went for less than that. On the NHS website it says 2000 for women? I'm confused.
Either way I am trying.

I am very curvy also, I'm quite but chested, thinking this could also be adding to the weight.

05-08-13, 22:23
How many calories are needed each day can vary greatly depending on lifestyle and other factors.
Factors that affect your personal daily calorie needs include your age, height and weight, your basic level of daily activity, and your body composition.

05-08-13, 22:55
I probably am eating the right amount/too many. Not less.

I'm just going to keep trying, been having porridge and dried fruit for breakfast to keep me fuller for longer, brown bread or pittas for lunch instead of white, home cooked dinners and smaller portions.
Less snacks I.e. crisps/chocolate etc. but still having some.
Also went on the exercise bike today for 10 minutes, doesn't seem like alot but for me it's an achievement.

06-08-13, 06:59
Mine is 1700 and I'm 5 foot 1 8.5 stone and lightly active.
So at 11 stone and 5 foot 6 girl afraids calories will probably be nearer 2000

06-08-13, 08:18
Mine is 1700 and I'm 5 foot 1 8.5 stone and lightly active.
So at 11 stone and 5 foot 6 girl afraids calories will probably be nearer 2000

Like I said, depends on how much weight you want to lose..I'm 5ft7, I weigh 11 stone. Mine is 1400 a day..
If I just wanted to maintain , mine would be around 1700

06-08-13, 08:35
Girlafraid, Just a comment on your hormones... do you have PCOS? this is very common , I have it mildly. It could be that when you're on the pill your hormones are controlled but when you come of you struggle to lose weight because your hormones go a bit wonky... mine do. Other signs include; getting spots and being a bit hairy - but you don't have to have these symptoms. The test is a simple blood test looking at the LH:FSH ratio.


06-08-13, 08:56
I think I went for less than that. On the NHS website it says 2000 for women? I'm confused.
Either way I am trying.

I am very curvy also, I'm quite but chested, thinking this could also be adding to the weight.

Girlafraid, Just a comment on your hormones... do you have PCOS? this is very common , I have it mildly. It could be that when you're on the pill your hormones are controlled but when you come of you struggle to lose weight because your hormones go a bit wonky... mine do. Other signs include; getting spots and being a bit hairy - but you don't have to have these symptoms. The test is a simple blood test looking at the LH:FSH ratio.


I have often thought I may have PCOS.
I do get spots but no excess hair. Maybe I will go to the doctors and ask. Will this stop me from having kids in the future? :(

06-08-13, 09:47
It's worth getting tested I think. Most women with PCOS ovulate and have kids normally, although some women struggle with ovulation as their hormones are messed up. However, there are treatments for those women.I wouldn't worry about that.


06-08-13, 12:15
My god, You look fine to me you look totally gorgeous.

And you don't look fat at all to me you look a perfect size and really if your felt happy with your weight youwould be an ideal roll model for anyone to look towards.

Shame you can't hear my wolf whistles :blush:

06-08-13, 12:44
My god, You look fine to me you look totally gorgeous.

And you don't look fat at all to me you look a perfect size and really if your felt happy with your weight youwould be an ideal roll model for anyone to look towards.

Shame you can't hear my wolf whistles :blush:

Thanks :blush: the pic is way too big, but I have no idea how to make it smaller :(

You can't really see my fat in this pic, but without my clothes on I have got a bit of a tummy and bum.

According to one website my waist measurement means I'm borderline obese :'(

06-08-13, 12:53
You need to resize the picture in something (like paint) then re-upload it as it is too big for the forum to be honest.

06-08-13, 13:00
but without my clothes on I have got a bit of a tummy and bum(

:ohmy: Hope you posting any of them... *Wolf Whistles even louder*

In todays world weight is seen as a problem and I would say everyone's eye's either it be too little or too much weight but it is an end up to the individual to decide.

I think you sound perfect and a lot of women would wish to be your shoes as you are looking wonderful but no matter how many people tell you that in the end you have to feel comfortable with who you are.

I myself are overweight but at one stage I was happy with the size I was as the area I live in the bigger you where the lest chance you were to be challenged but now my weight is a problem for me as my meds increase my weight to an extent I feel repulsed by myself and how come my marriage is all but over I feel like I need to become something that maybe appealing to a woman.

I feel happy as I am but have been told by a woman that I was to large and looked threatening. So I feel like I will be tarred with that same brush again so I have now gone to extreme measure to gain weight loss.

So please you look wonderful and don't look like your overweight....

06-08-13, 13:06
http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/Jen_Fidge/image_zps9245b1ea.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/Jen_Fidge/media/image_zps9245b1ea.jpg.html)

---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

Is that a better size?

---------- Post added at 13:06 ---------- Previous post was at 13:05 ----------

The post before I deleted but I am
34.5 inch waist
44 inch hips
5'6 in height

06-08-13, 13:23
Well, Young Lady you compliment the country side very well.

I think I an honest opinion are being very harsh on yourself by worrying about your weight, You look a very fit (healthy) woman who has love skin and hair that looks like you take great care in yourself.:blush:

Try to relax and be happy.

Ps if I took a photo of myself the camera would break... I have only one photo I have ever been happy with at that is just a head and shoulder one lol taken a few months back hehe

06-08-13, 13:29
Purgatory - at least she hasn't asked if her bum looks big :whistles::roflmao:

06-08-13, 13:33
Purgatory - at least she hasn't asked if her bum looks big :whistles::roflmao:

Lol I know it seems bad but honestly according to some websites my waist is: "obese".

I know I'm a little overweight but I just need to work on it I suppose.

---------- Post added at 13:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:32 ----------

Well, Young Lady you compliment the country side very well.

I think I an honest opinion are being very harsh on yourself by worrying about your weight, You look a very fit (healthy) woman who has love skin and hair that looks like you take great care in yourself.:blush:

Try to relax and be happy.

Ps if I took a photo of myself the camera would break... I have only one photo I have ever been happy with at that is just a head and shoulder one lol taken a few months back hehe

I'm sure you also look lovely.

06-08-13, 13:34
Purgatory - at least she hasn't asked if her bum looks big :whistles::roflmao:

Urmmmmm trust you,,, That is a private joke :busted:

06-08-13, 13:47
Says he who posted it on his intro post lol

06-08-13, 14:18
Did some exercises this morning, hoping they might help a little.