View Full Version : Problem with BM

05-08-13, 10:49
Last three days passed with some severe anxiety. During this time I had to go to the loo for a few times a day, but not D*, just very frequent. Today morning I visited toilet for the big thing and I noticed (gross mode on) some undigested food, like a bun/bread, something like that (gross mode off). I wonder if this has something to do with the severe stress, I went through the last 3 days or maybe it's something worse? Feeling a bit of abdominal discomfort, like I need to go to the toilet, but in the toilet - nothing happens, like I want to, but there's nothing to go out - like it's empty or something, so why the pressure? I'm starting to freak out.

05-08-13, 11:06
lots of different foods can react in different ways and some foods digest whereas others dont, so i would not worry, you will find that anxiety will not help with the stomach discomfort so the more you can relax the better you will be fine blessings

05-08-13, 17:23
Stress can really screw up your digestive system. I find if I'm stressed stuff seems to go through me quicker, and I have to go more often. And I guess if things are moving through more quickly they probably won't be as well digested. If you just have a bit of abdominal discomfort and slightly unusual BMs for a few days when you know you've been under stress, I don't think it's anything to worry about - and, incidentally, if you're stressed about the BMs, they might stay peculiar. The abdominal discomfort could be caused by gas, which might be 'trapped', hence the feeling of pressure that you can't quite relieve. Try to relax (easier said than done, I know!) and eat as normally and healthily as you can, and my guess is that things will go back to normal after a few days. You could try some probiotic yoghurt, or maybe something like ginger or peppermint tea, both of which are generally good for the digestion.

05-08-13, 19:25
Thanks for replies :) The discomfort seems to have gone. For next BM i'll have to wait till tomorrow I guess, so then I'll find out how the things are.