View Full Version : head feels so weird, having worst panic in years

05-08-13, 15:28
What have I done to deserve this...

I am at work and I went out for my lunch break with my friend. I just decided yesterday how i feel not let my fears stop me, in particular i want to lose weight for my wedding and holiday but am too scared to do any exercise because of lightheadedness i often have. And just now I feel like I am either having something very serious going on and the worst is about to happen or i am having the worst set back ever.

I am so so panicked. I used to get horrendus symptoms to be honest, every single day, and every time I thought that was it, the end, they were so awful,that it was so hard to believe nothing was wrong with me. It took me so many years to get better and not get so bad if i get some symptoms, and they stopped being so bad. But today I felt that shere panic, and I feel hopeless again like then, like this is it, and if not every day I will live in fear. I am not able to enjoy things anymore again. I can't take it again, my life was a night mare.

Today I just at first started feeling lightheaded. Then my head got this weird feeling that I find so hard to explain, like my brain inside is buzzing if i talk but also from silence, so strange, and so so uncomfortable, my head feels just all over the place and I am so tensed up trying to prevent myself from falling over, I feel really unsteady, and when i am looking things seem weird, like i am looking from inside somewhere, like things seem distant but i know they're not. I hate it when i feel horrible but you can't even explain what you feel. I also feel lightheaded. And my eyes feel strange too. I keep yawning as well. I know this doesn't sound too bad when you read but it's because i can't really explain very well what it really feels like. Does this sound familiar to anyone please...or is there something wrong with me....

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

Also my arms feel weird now, weak and like they are not all mine, especially my left arm, which is panicing me right now so much....

---------- Post added at 15:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

I also look so pale. I told my friend how i'm feeling and she said when we were coming back from lunch i got really pale and now shye said i still look pale so I went to the bathroom to look at myself and i am now even more scared. I am so worried something is horribly wrong with me. I got pains now too in my left arm.

I am a total mess and am hidding in one of the offices crying, and reading anxiety stuff cause i want this so much to be anxiety and not something awful, like brain thing or heart thing or god knows what...

05-08-13, 18:22
hi are you not being treated for panic, ha or depression? if not then this is why you are a mess and in a state, go and see the dr and ask for help there is no need to struggle on.
its possible that your symptoms are all panic and anxiety related, i would go and talk to the dr and get some meds if you can i am sure there is nothing wrong apart from panic anxiety blessings

05-08-13, 23:48
When I am really stressed out I feel I look more even paler then usual (If that is possible) The whole looking at your hands and not knowing if they are completely yours I know all too well. You should go to a doctor and describe these feelings to him. It will be better once you start working on your problems instead of just worrying about what could possibly be wrong with you. Best of luck to you.

Female healthanxiety
06-08-13, 01:11
Hello Mila,

I could have wrote your post, hence the wedding! Congratulations.

I too am on a milestone trying to lose weight but feel HA stops me I always feel tired, dizzy and fatigue!!! Try walking on your own on your lunch hour.... I do, I choose some residential streets rather than high streets.

I was at work and had the same symptoms as u today; weak feeling in my left arm, I have constant dizziness like I'm gonna just drop!

I too analyse how I look daily which is a big sign of HA. We all do it: it's the dreaded HA eating away at us and telling us we look pale and unwell!

Please be assured: this is not serious. It's all anxiety.

I think your being hard on yourself and obviously you are anxious with pre-wedding nerves xxxxx

06-08-13, 13:28
Hi all, thank u for your replies.

I have battled with this for so long then for quite a while i managed it very well. Now i am a mess again but the problem is it is so hard to believe this is just anxiety or stress yet again. I was prescribed cipralex again. I used to be on so many different medication and some helped temporarely when having attacks like xanax and others did not help at least not that much.

It doesnt help that what i feel is so hard to describe. I understand the arms feeling and some other feelings could be DP or DR, but what are these feelings in my head. And i get this feeling in my chest too like i get head rush in head and also chest too i used to dedcibe it like vacuume feeling. My head feels this vacuum pressure all day today and head rushes when i stand up or move suddenly or if i do anything to speed up my breathing...i also feel pressure on my head and forehead and eyes. I tried to explain these ferlings to the dr and they dont get it, take my bp and it's fine and they just say it is anxiety. I am even so surprised my bp can be fine when i am feeling like this... i always worry about bp. And you here all these stories about drs missing things and people dying so i am scared to let go because i dont feel checked really and if i let go no one else will care if something happens to me.

07-08-13, 11:08
I too am scared to exercise because of light headedness. I am even too scared to walk sometimes. The worst thing is that I have to work standing up all day. I believe over thinking makes it worse. I feel better when I am not thinking about it or as you said - with friends. If you are with someone who doesn't know about your anxiety then you can push yourself a little more.

07-08-13, 18:12
rainfairy you are so right, if you are with someone who doesnt know you can push yourself more! I feel worse standing up but for very long that is exactly what i would do if i am freaking out, especially if i am feeling dizzy or faint, i would be too scared to sit or lie down, very crazy i know...i am scared i feel pass out when i feel dizzy or faint or spaced out and contrary to the truth somehow i think pacing around in panic will prevent that!
I am having funny spaced out head again with some sort if pressure on top of my head and i am so fed up with everything. I was in town shopping for my wedding and in the end had to get a taxi home cause i freaked out.
Female Healthanxiety, are u also getting married??

07-08-13, 21:57
This post is so much like me its scary so your not the only one keep fighting

16-08-13, 12:26
I have exactly your head symproms, and I too am having a set back I have been ok without symptoms for over a year. I know how you feel with that one x

16-08-13, 16:38
I know the exact same feeling x
Don't worry, it's all anxiety, try keeping your mind off it by doing things you enjoy. You can also try focusing on your breathing, in and out. My therapist says that breathing is your body's anchor and it will bring you in the present moment, away from your thoughts.

Take care x

16-08-13, 17:16
I get that same weird head feeling, like a floaty feeling, accompanied by alot of yawning. I'm pretty sure it's anxiety.

20-08-13, 01:17
I just got married on the 10th and about a month leading up to it I had anxiety rear its ugly head. it was awful but I made it through the wedding and am just now taking steps towards relearning the coping skills I didn't utilize cause I was feeling ok and felt like I didn't need them. Its so important to always use those skills, even more when you aren't feeling anxious so you can master them when it comes time to really need them :hugs:

04-09-13, 13:10
When I come back to this site looking for symptoms similar to the ones I am experiencing at the moment - I am ALWAYS amazed at how many of us have the same awful feelings - are relieved to find "you are not alone" and yet we all have the strength and compassion to give comfort to others:yesyes:
Today is my worst panic attack in months although I do constantly have the 'dizzy' lightheaded' feelings that stop me doing things i want to:weep: