View Full Version : Anyone with diabetes here?

05-08-13, 14:47
I have been feeling exhausted for a long while, I put it down to my ferritin level being low at 8. My GP called me to discuss my blood test results from last week. My FBC was normal, but my ferritin was still low. He asked how I was feeling so I told him I am drained, drained beyond belief, I can't actually describe it other than my eyes sting, I feel weak all over like I am just too tired to do anything. I feel worn out even after sleeping. I have frequent bouts of thrush now which isn't like me at all, I usually only suffer after strong antibiotics. I am constantly thirsty and it is disturbing my sleep as I wake alot to drink water and therefore wake alot to go to the toilet too. I just put that down to the heat but my GP isn't so sure and today he said he wants me to go and have a fasting blood test as soon as possible.

Does anyone here have diabetes? Do my symptoms sound like i could have it? I'm almost 34, 5ft tall and just under 8 stone. I have recently gained around 1.5 stone in 5-6 months. I used to be painfully underweight but now I am at a good healthy weight for my height. I eat healthily now, I don't drink or smoke. I haven't had a glass of alcohol in 10 months, a life style choice. My Grandad had type 1 and my Auntie had type 2 but is now insulin dependent. How likely is it that I could have diabetes at my age? Sorry for all the questions.:blush:

---------- Post added at 14:47 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

I forgot to mention that between meals I go weak and woozy and have funny turns if my blood sugar isn't kept up. I hate it when that happens so I'm snacking on little snacks between meals because 3 hours after a meal I suddenly feel very hungry, shaky, weak, feel faint and I feel panicky when that happens. X

06-08-13, 18:06
Blood glucose goes high in diabetes mellitus, not low. The only way to know for sure is the fasting bloods.

07-08-13, 00:13
Having your ferritin levels low would most definitely cause you to be very tired, exhausted, week and just feeling pretty off.

I have diabetes 2 and I never had any of the tiredness symptoms. I had an unquenchable thirst, which had me drinking like a fish, literally, day and night and then passing vast amounts of urine.

I still didn't pick up that anything might be going wrong really until my eyes went blurry and out of focus.

Thankfully, my, then, GP picked up on it straight away, took a blood sample and then rang me to say that I was diabetic.

Once I'd started on my treatment, my eyes cleared very quickly really and things went pretty much back to normal although obviously I have to take care with what I eat, but it's no big deal really.

As I understand it, I think that people with type 1 and those that have to have insulin, obviously have to take much greater care with their diet and their health.

Try not to be frightened if you do get told that you are diabetic. Your doctor will know how to treat you and you will probably be seen pretty quickly in the diabetic clinic at your surgery where a doctor or nurse specialising in diabetes will educate you and will be able to answer all of your questions :)

I've been diabetic for a good number of years now and nothing dreadful has ever happened to me, it's just a case of keeping yourself as healthy as you can and your GP will be able to help guide you through all of that :)

07-08-13, 18:24
Thank you for your replies.

I'm not worried about it really, if I have it then I will deal with it I am sure. I just hope that it isn't and it is just he ferritin which I now have iron for.