View Full Version : Is it normal to have this reaction to alcohol?

05-08-13, 18:26
I have brain tumour anxiety, and I read somewhere that drinking can make the tumour worse so I'm not sure if my anxiety is giving this reaction or what.

Seems like every time I take a drink, or even a sip of alcohol, I get this pain and sometimes a heavy feeling in either my legs, arms, or chest area. Sometimes it comes right away at my first sip, or it doesn't come at all until a few drinks in. I've noticed this in the last couple of years (im 20), but it seems like when I had a drink at 15 I never got this reaction. Most recently, I had a mixed drink and I felt this really gassy feeling in the centre of my chest. I started burping a lot, but the odd feeling in my chest stayed the entire night. I stopped drinking after the first two sips because it really scared me.

This really bugs me because I'm not a heavy drinker, but sometimes I want to have a couple drinks with my family or bf and I can't because I'm scared something will happen! :(

Anyone get an alike reaction?

05-08-13, 20:58
It's because your brain has made a false connection between alcohol and the symptoms.

Like when I used to get dizzy every time I stood in a queue - it wasn't a coincidence, it was a pattern created by my own mind.

05-08-13, 23:36
Sounds like a physcial reaction to me. You might be intolerant to it. You should listen to your body when it reacts like this because it's telling you something. You might find there are other types of drinks that are okay, perhaps wine or cider. Anything sugary, yeasty or with gluten is probably best to stay away from.

06-08-13, 04:00
THanks for the tips, guys. :)

I hate how no one I know has this reaction to drinking, it sucks!

06-08-13, 18:14
Sounds to me more like anxiety. A couple of sips is not enough to cause a reaction if you have no history of it before.

07-08-13, 02:52
Sounds to me more like anxiety. A couple of sips is not enough to cause a reaction if you have no history of it before.

Hmm, maybe. Just seems like it started happening even before my anxiety got to the lowest point.

08-08-13, 04:16
Hmm, maybe. Just seems like it started happening even before my anxiety got to the lowest point.

A couple of sips is enough to cause a reaction. I got the same thing after years of being able to drink alcohol with no problems. You should look into candida, which causes all sorts of intolerances and reactions to things.

08-08-13, 08:54
Hi Jennclarke, I too get sick off alcohol. I never used to, I am open to the possibility of it being anxiety especially since the last ttime I drank (May 2012) I got a huge hangover and was vomiting all day long. Now a pint will have me nauseous.
Sometimes though my anxiety kicks in and I worry I have some sort of liver problem and it can no longer do what it does to get the alcohol out.