View Full Version : here again

05-08-13, 19:56
my anxiety has been ok recently. but the last few days i,ve felt swayee & body joilts.. it,s worrying me it,s like is it realy anxiety. yestaday was my 29th birthday & i didn,t realy enjoy it because of it but also because i was sad my dad was not there [he passd away last year]:weep: but also it,s like i,ve been feeling depressed & i don,t want that again. i keep feeling weird. & scared just incase anything happens because thats how i feel too. i got loving family [my mum,brothers,sister & my kids but it,s ever so lonely when your suffering. i,ve also felt like i want to cry. i suppose i could go on but don,t wanna bore people.

05-08-13, 20:52
Try and think positive even though it is hard go out and try doing things you like an speak to your family about your problems a hug of them is like medicine :) I'm also suffering from anxiety at the moment my two little boys keep me busy and happy and also my partner I do have days when I can get worrying thoughts out of my mind but I'm sure that's just the anxiety I'm trying to stay positive and get back to being myself again good luck to you xxx

05-08-13, 21:28
thank you jennifer.

05-08-13, 21:43
I am sorry you are feeling more anxious Fruity, it is still early days since the passing of your dad and things like birthdays and other events are reminders that our loved ones are not with us. Keep your special memories of your dad close to your heart. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

05-08-13, 22:38
i know how you feel i lost my brother just about 2 years agovery suddenly..my phsyca nurse thinks my anxiety has stemmed from that..i still miss him so much..but in time i know i will heal..he would have hated to see his wee sister cry xx

05-08-13, 23:45
thank you annie & greenlady. very kind words.