View Full Version : alcohol

05-08-13, 20:59
i who on this forum thinks they have a drink problem because they need alcohol to relax and if so how much do you drink a night and how often

06-08-13, 04:24
Well I don't know how many people here on NMP that use alcohol as a means of relief for their symptoms, but I would think that there are a good few people throughout the country that do just that, even throughout the world for that matter.

It's very sad that people think that they have to do that, but I can also understand that it's a very easy trap to fall into.

Alcohol is never the solution though, alcohol is actually a depressant and will usually make you feel worse in the long run, yes it may take away your symptoms at that point, but your symptoms will come back and that is where the merry-go-round starts.

However tempting it might seem, please don't use alcohol, all that you are doing is creating yet another problem which eventually you will have to deal with.

Abusing alcohol will damage your health eventually, it will also impact on everyone around you.

I lost my Brother in law to alcohol :weep: he wasn't even 50 years old. He started using alcohol when his marriage broke down as a way to help him with his emotions, and, although we all tried and tried to help him, I had to watch him literally drinking himself slowly to death, as did the rest of the family which was heartbreaking :weep:

If you feel you need something more to help you with your symptoms then I beg you please to go to your doctor, there are heaps of medication now that can help with all sorts of symptoms of depression/anxiety and panic so there is never any need to use alcohol, please!! go and get proper help from your doctor before you end up with a real and awful alcohol problem.

06-08-13, 10:30
thankyou for your reply i do like a drink to relax and can sometimes drink to much but i can also do without so im not worried ive got a problem it was a general question to people who suffer from anxiety but thankyou for your concern your very kind x

07-08-13, 01:28
You're very welcome :)