View Full Version : I'm depressed about a problem I don't know how to get over

05-08-13, 21:19
Hello everyone.

I've been here for 4 years or more now and I have gained loads of confidence with people on here and have talked a lot. I have made many good friends and found nothing but support and kindness from members. I have touched on this subject before but never really plucked up the courage to discuss it properly. So here goes. :unsure:

When I was 12 going on 13 (I'm 36) now I was sexually abused by my step father. It wasn't my first sexual abusive encounter it had happened before by other family members. There was also an occasion when I was really small and I was sat in the local library at a table reading a childrens book. A man came and sat next to me and told me I was a pretty girl and stroked my leg. I managed to move away but never told anyone about the incident.

Anyway...My step dad, after all these years is still part of the family. Although I don't have to see him as much anymore because he lives miles away and commutes to visit my mother at weekends. He still brought us up and was my 'dad' all through growing up, all the while I was hiding this secret. The abuse did stop after a short while and he never did it again and as far as I know he never touched my sisters or anyone else. The thing is my mum knew, I eventually broke down in tears and told her. I think I have blocked a lot of it out because I can't really remember what happened next. From the bits I have discovered from my mum he was having a psychiatric breakdown and had a mind of a 5 year old. I don't buy this because he knew what he was doing, I specifically remember him asking me if he scared me and asking me not to tell my mum. Does that sound like someone with the mind of a 5 year old? He got therapy...I didn't!!

Mum said she did kick him out but I cried and cried and cried and begged her to have him back. Why would I do that? Do you think it's because I felt guilty and didn't want to be responsible for the family splitting up? We had already been through a bad divorce with mum and dad and I didn't want the same happening again. Plus mum was happy and I didn't want to take that away from her. So I get to go through school with this dark secret, I was also constantly badly bullied during my school years and did dreadful with my exams. I don't ever remember my mum ever asking me if I was ok or offering me any kind of counselling. Recently when my mental health was low I was very upset and brought it up with my mum, she said I was sexually active and came onto him!!!! :ohmy:

I had to stop the conversation right there, I couldn't take hearing anymore. It just confirmed my beliefs that it was my fault and reinforced my guilt. I am actually crying now. :weep My therapist has told me that it wasn't my fault and that I was the child, so it's all down to him...I was starting to believe this until mum said that. She said since it happened she has never been able to be intimate with him, they are more like companions now than anything. This doesn't make me feel me any better.

I haven't really been able to tell anyone involved in my care until recently because I have two sons and they are not allowed near him, which crushes me because they see him as their grandad. My eldest boy is 16 and he is virtually my carer, if he knew he would kill him. He really looks up to him and sees him as a surrogate dad. Most of the time, even though I think about it everyday I can cope with it but when I am depressed or my mental health is poor it's BANG right there in my face and all I do is cry. I've been crying myself to sleep every night for the last 3 weeks and to be honest I just want to shout it from the roof tops. I just need to get it out. Mum said if I ever wanted to do anything about it then she would support me but could you just imagine, our family would be a family no more and the stress of it all would probably put me back in hospital.

Mum said my step dad has been close to walking into a police station and telling them himself because he feels that guilty. I do believe that he is sorry and feels guilty, but sometimes I wish he would just do that. He has also been close to deliberatley crashing his car and he has been prescribed prozac. What gets me is though, that if he saw someone about it when it happened why didn't the doctor report it? Surely they have a duty of care?

I just don't know how to deal with this guys. I have a great supportive mum, when I am ill or in the psych unit she is always there for my boys, they would be in care if it wasn't for her. I would be lost without her. I wouldn't be lost without him though, I wish he wasn't in my life. He provides everything for her, she would have nothing without him. I don't feel hate for him though, my feelings for him are just numbness. I can't be near him though, he makes me feel nervous.

I don't know what to do about this anymore and I don't know how much longer I can keep it a secret. :weep: I'm sorry if I've upset anyone with this, I just really needed to talk. Thank you so much for reading and listening.

Kez xx

06-08-13, 04:03
Hello there Kez :)

That was a very brave post and thank you for feeling confident enough to share it with us hun.

My! You really have been carrying all this stuff around for a long time now hun, no wonder you feel so stressed and scared by it all, that is totally understandable.

Firstly please may I say this to you....


This is the terrible and tragic thing that happens when a child is abused in any way, the perpertrator will try and portray to the child that it is their fault that this is happening...........but it's a big fat LIE!!!!! A child is innocent and can't in any way bring on any kind of abuse, it is the adult and perpertrator that is WRONG!!!!!!

So hun, please rest assured that you did nothing to deserve having this happen to you.

Now, as for what you want to do about it, well, that would have to be your decision hun. If you wanted to go to the police to make a formal complaint, you will need lots of support for yourself.

I would advise that you maybe contact one of the charities that look after people who were abused in childhood, they are very well trained and they will be able to speak to you at length and help you work through your decision, they wont be able to make the decision for you, but they will be able to listen to you and support you along the way.

I know that things are a lot better for historic child abuse cases now and clients are now very well looked after by the police, the victims of crime charity and the courts.

If you don't know the contact details of the various support groups, I'd either ring you local social services department, you don't have to give your name or any of your details, just ask them for the contact details of historic child abuse charities, or contact your local Council who should also have these details, or maybe search online. The NSPCC would be a good place to look also.

I do hope that you are able to seek counseling and support for yourself hun as I really feel that you really need some help with all of this, it's very difficult to try and deal with this on your own and you don't have to hun, there is help and support out there.

Please keep talking, that will help you unburden a lot of this stuff that you've been carrying around for so long hun, there are always lovely, helpful, friendly and supportive people here on NMP :)

Please do let us know how you get on hun.

Sending you hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

06-08-13, 11:58
Awww thank you Moosie.

This is something that's haunted me, I will admit that. I think the hard thing is is making that first step and considering all the consequences that will come with it. I think it would have made all these years easier if he had just left instead of sticking around.
I have looked on line for some of the charities but I can't decide on any, they all seem to be far away. It would be good to find one in the UK and local to me.
I will keep looking though. Sometimes when I find one and start reading I have to close it because it gets too much for me.
Thanks for the hugs, here's some back for you :hugs:

06-10-13, 05:35
Hello everyone.

I've been here for 4 years or more now and I have gained loads of confidence with people on here and have talked a lot. I have made many good friends and found nothing but support and kindness from members. I have touched on this subject before but never really plucked up the courage to discuss it properly. So here goes. :unsure:

When I was 12 going on 13 (I'm 36) now I was sexually abused by my step father. It wasn't my first sexual abusive encounter it had happened before by other family members. There was also an occasion when I was really small and I was sat in the local library at a table reading a childrens book. A man came and sat next to me and told me I was a pretty girl and stroked my leg. I managed to move away but never told anyone about the incident.

Anyway...My step dad, after all these years is still part of the family. Although I don't have to see him as much anymore because he lives miles away and commutes to visit my mother at weekends. He still brought us up and was my 'dad' all through growing up, all the while I was hiding this secret. The abuse did stop after a short while and he never did it again and as far as I know he never touched my sisters or anyone else. The thing is my mum knew, I eventually broke down in tears and told her. I think I have blocked a lot of it out because I can't really remember what happened next. From the bits I have discovered from my mum he was having a psychiatric breakdown and had a mind of a 5 year old. I don't buy this because he knew what he was doing, I specifically remember him asking me if he scared me and asking me not to tell my mum. Does that sound like someone with the mind of a 5 year old? He got therapy...I didn't!!

Mum said she did kick him out but I cried and cried and cried and begged her to have him back. Why would I do that? Do you think it's because I felt guilty and didn't want to be responsible for the family splitting up? We had already been through a bad divorce with mum and dad and I didn't want the same happening again. Plus mum was happy and I didn't want to take that away from her. So I get to go through school with this dark secret, I was also constantly badly bullied during my school years and did dreadful with my exams. I don't ever remember my mum ever asking me if I was ok or offering me any kind of counselling. Recently when my mental health was low I was very upset and brought it up with my mum, she said I was sexually active and came onto him!!!! :ohmy:

I had to stop the conversation right there, I couldn't take hearing anymore. It just confirmed my beliefs that it was my fault and reinforced my guilt. I am actually crying now. :weep My therapist has told me that it wasn't my fault and that I was the child, so it's all down to him...I was starting to believe this until mum said that. She said since it happened she has never been able to be intimate with him, they are more like companions now than anything. This doesn't make me feel me any better.

I haven't really been able to tell anyone involved in my care until recently because I have two sons and they are not allowed near him, which crushes me because they see him as their grandad. My eldest boy is 16 and he is virtually my carer, if he knew he would kill him. He really looks up to him and sees him as a surrogate dad. Most of the time, even though I think about it everyday I can cope with it but when I am depressed or my mental health is poor it's BANG right there in my face and all I do is cry. I've been crying myself to sleep every night for the last 3 weeks and to be honest I just want to shout it from the roof tops. I just need to get it out. Mum said if I ever wanted to do anything about it then she would support me but could you just imagine, our family would be a family no more and the stress of it all would probably put me back in hospital.

Mum said my step dad has been close to walking into a police station and telling them himself because he feels that guilty. I do believe that he is sorry and feels guilty, but sometimes I wish he would just do that. He has also been close to deliberatley crashing his car and he has been prescribed prozac. What gets me is though, that if he saw someone about it when it happened why didn't the doctor report it? Surely they have a duty of care?

I just don't know how to deal with this guys. I have a great supportive mum, when I am ill or in the psych unit she is always there for my boys, they would be in care if it wasn't for her. I would be lost without her. I wouldn't be lost without him though, I wish he wasn't in my life. He provides everything for her, she would have nothing without him. I don't feel hate for him though, my feelings for him are just numbness. I can't be near him though, he makes me feel nervous.

I don't know what to do about this anymore and I don't know how much longer I can keep it a secret. :weep: I'm sorry if I've upset anyone with this, I just really needed to talk. Thank you so much for reading and listening.

Kez xx
Hi there,
I'm a newbie so please bear with me,,, i read your post and feel so bad about your troubles. I am in a similar situation and I am nowhere near as brave as you. Stay strong ok. None of this is or was your fault. take care now. Mel.x:hugs:

10-10-13, 10:09
Thank you hun. I still haven't decided on anything, it's still lingering. It's quiet at the moment just at the back of my mind. But i think that's because I am stable mentally, It's when I am not well that it bursts out again. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I am low, a viscious circle really.

10-10-13, 11:03
I can't say any more than Auntie Moosie..she has given you great advise. In addition to the help lines Auntie suggested, you could also look at this one http://www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-for-victims/different-types-of-crime/adults-abused-in-childhood
It has taken you a lot of courage to write this, sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: