View Full Version : Anyone here ever used Muscle Relaxants?

05-08-13, 22:26
For more than 1 1/2 years now I have had a swallowing disorder, long story short I cant eat/swallow properly and live on complan and toast mainly.

Tried all sorts of AD's, none of them really make any difference.

Dr is 100% sure its anxiety due to choking a few times, Physio says no, its a physical problem as my throat muscles are always tense and makes it difficult to breathe when I am eating as they tense up even more and push on my wind pipe, problem here is none of them communicate with each other so its left to me to try and tell each one whats happening with the other.

Anyway, I am at a point now that I am so fed up I just dont know what to do, its completely ruining my life to a point where I have no life whatsoever.

Im wondering if a muscle relaxant could help, but when I google I only really see Diazepam as a relaxant, and since Im on this already Im not sure what else I could take. I only usually take 5mg a day because I am so fed up with taking it that I try my best not to, Im sick of living on medication, but if I didnt take that then I wouldnt even get toast down me.

So, just wanted to know if anyone knows anything about muscle relaxants, or takes them, and if they could work?

I know I need to see my doctor to ask, but I cant get in till the end of next week, and I was looking for some info to present to her because all she will do is offer another AD, last time I saw her she went through a list of what I hadnt tried so far (the newest ones) and told me to pick one. I really cant be bothered going through the side effects again because I have had to do this many times since March 2012 with little effect other than making me feel worse.

Weirdly, Im getting about 1000 calories a day into me, and its maintaining my weight, so she doesnt seem that concerned, as before I was sometimes losing upto a stone per week, so she thinks I must be getting better due to this, but Im not, if anything I feel worse now than I ever have before.



Daisy Sue
06-08-13, 01:12
Yes I've used them.. a few different ones actually. I've got diazepam which I only use to help get me to sleep when insomnia kicks in for a few nights. I also used to take merbentyl liquid, when I had a stomach hernia while waiting for surgery... it relaxed everything, and no adverse effects. Also, I've had buscopan in recent years when my stomach's played up. And another one called umm... (just nipped to kitchen to check, lol) methocarbamol, for spasm-type headaches.

If your gp thinks they'll help you, I'd say go for it... the side effects are few, and usually mild, if at all, and the benefits far outweigh them, in my opinion.

06-08-13, 07:34
Thanks Daisy Sue, I will google the ones you mention.

To be honest she knows there is a muscle problem so cant understand why she hasnt offered anything like this before, I am getting a bit sick of having to find my own solutions to my problems. Youd think that between a Dr, Physio and Speech Therapist they might have come up with trying this solution themselves :mad:

It makes me so angry at times, all they seem to want to do is throw AD's at me, and none of them ever work, they just make me feel even more mentally unwell so I wont be taking any ever again, well not until this problem is sorted, then I might try some for my GAD.

Bloody Doctors!

Thanks again.

Daz :)