View Full Version : Doll Stuffing inside my lungs! Help!

05-08-13, 23:10
Ok i am so freaking out right now.
A doll came apart in my room.
I have carpet on the floor.
There's little fiber everywhere

So i did my research on fibers.
I am pretty sure right now that the fibers are not natural
I mailed the doll makers to find out more.

I am now very worried i breathed in bits of these fibers.
And will get something like lung cancer.

its in my bed too i think.

I already have an irritated throat as we speak and
and im doing little coughs.. but i dont know if its real.

I checked the fibers on strength and size.
There pretty strong. stronger then hair i think.
But there are really tiny bits of them aswell. like very small.


05-08-13, 23:13
Did you actual feel them in your mouth?

05-08-13, 23:24
thank you so much for replying!
i think i felt something in my throat.
like a little hair feeling.. i kept doing like ughum..
so i drank lots of water. and now 'that' feeling is away i think..
but i am mostly worried about it maybe going in my lung and never dissapearing.
and then give me lung disease or cancer... :((

---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 22:19 ----------

I'm afraid to sleep in my bed now...
And to wear the clothes from the floor..
And i cant vacuum cause its late at night..

I sometimes have panic attacks but it all went good for such a long time.
And i fought my OCD on my own... And i never took medications...
And now this.. i just feel like im gonna break apart.. :'(

05-08-13, 23:24
You'll be fine, stomach acid kills everything foreign.
Why do,you think it will go to lungs?
If eaten would go to stomach

05-08-13, 23:26
You'll be fine, stomach acid kills everything foreign.
Why do,you think it will go to lungs?
If eaten would go to stomach

Because its like really tiny and thin.
and some pieces are small enough to breath in i think.
and it went all over my room.. and on the floor and edge of my bed.. and on my clothes..

05-08-13, 23:29
Your nose catches foreign bodies too.

05-08-13, 23:31
Is there a way to tell if i breathed it in?
I breathe through my mouth alot

05-08-13, 23:33
No, unless you get X-ray I guess..even then it prob won't show, so you'd never know..
Ring docs if you want expert opinion maybe..

05-08-13, 23:39
Dolls are made so they can be given to children, they would not put anything that would be toxic in it in any shape, way or form.

Hoover your room, and change your bed

You will be fine and it will not give you cancer or lung disease!

05-08-13, 23:45
i think i am gonna stay awake i am too worried i will breath it in if i sleep.

Thank you for all the fast responses and help.
I wish i had found this forum sooner.

Dolls are made so they can be given to children, they would not put anything that would be toxic in anyway in it.

But it usually says that about the outside. not the inside. and i don't think its natural wool.

05-08-13, 23:46
Agree with Venus, kids pull apart dolls, shove everything in their mouths.

05-08-13, 23:48
cant vacuum my room now. its to late this happened earlier and now its like bed time.
i think hats why i am freaking out harder because i have to go to sleep.

05-08-13, 23:57
they will have put nothing toxic in it at all, they are not allowed to by law.for the exact reason that stormsky says.

you will be fine, if you are worried then shake your sheet out so it isn't on there and then go to bed and try to relax.

but I am 99.999999999% sure it will not have caused any damage what-so-ever

06-08-13, 00:09
ok. im reading right now how lungs work. its very interesting.
the lung has hairs in them called cilia.
and they have a small patch of mucus on them which catches bad things.
and they actually make them travel up back out. so amazing..
heres a picture:


the goblets make the sticky stuff that rides the hairs.
its made from water salts and white blood cells.

Daisy Sue
06-08-13, 01:04
You'll be fine... the worry will make you poorly, not the stuffing inside the doll!

I once took apart an old heating thing inside a cupboard, then found out after it was full of asbestos bricks... had a few days panicking then decided what will be will be... and I was fine. That was over 20 years ago.

Female healthanxiety
06-08-13, 01:34
You will be absolutely fine hun.

Anxiety is always worse at night; and often we wake in the morning and it seems less controversial.

If you must, why don't u sleep in another room?


06-08-13, 12:25
this is getting me mega worried now:

i did eventually sleep in my bed.

I searched Polyesterfibres because this is the mail i got from the doll maker

the stuffing material of the dolls are Polyesterfibres.

Till now there was no problem with our dolls.

Sure you should have a closer look at the seams of the dollīs body, that no fibre comes out which the child is able to swallow .But this we havnīt till now.

In this case please remove the doll .

If any , donīt hesitate to contact me again.

---------- Post added at 11:25 ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 ----------

I am thinking about putting a towel on my pillow next time i sleep.
Cause the only thing that's saving me lately from shutting myself out is 'reducing'.

I took away the stuff from my bed into the washer.. but guess what.. now im worried
its not gonna come out with the washer and that its maybe gonna
be in the washer and infecting everything else.. and that the washer might actually make the particles smaller... fffffffffffffff going crazy :doh:

Maybe i should be on medicine..

I'm sorry for maybe continuing this on when you all probably think i am whining..

How do you all live with so many toxicity in your house? Cause i cant touch anything cooking is hell for me cleaning too.. my parents think i am a whiner..
So i have to continue using the stuff they use.. it hurts.. i feel constantly hurt by my enviroment.. and i cant get a job.. i dream of being on my own.
I'm usually in my room in my bed just trying not to touch anything and researching.. trying to find out why i cant touch certain things..

How do you all do it?