View Full Version : stressed/anxious about work tomorrow

05-08-13, 23:24
Hi guys,

I posted a thread last week about having a panic attack during a phone call in work and its made me dread taking any phone calls. I have been feeling a bit better and coping in work but now the worst possible scenario has came up and im feeling really anxious and on edge about tomorrow.

Basically im the only one on tomorrow in my department which is stressing me out! This NEVER happens and there is usually only one person allowed off in the department as its busy although one was an emergency holiday and the other had the holidays in months ago! This couldnt have came at a worse possible time, I keep trying to take my mind off it and tell myself its only one day and trying not to overreact.

I don't really mind being in myself its the phone calls I know I will have to take as my manager gets loads and usually quite negative and aggressive calls from clients that aren't happy with something. Its hard enough taking normal calls without confrontational ones. I feel like phoning in but I know it will only make things worse, I keep trying to think positive but cant stop thinking about it tonight!

05-08-13, 23:49
I know what you mean as I feel like that when I am at home on a Sunday afternoon which is where I have had my 2 panic attacks. Confronting the situation will probably help, remember that it's just your mind and anxiety making you feel like this and worst case scenario is you put the phone down and take timeout ? You got through it last time at work, with a bit of struggle but you came through it. If you start to feel panicky again just tell yourself it has happened before and you got through it and keep telling yourself that, reinforce you got through it to yourself. I have managed to fend off a few panic attacks with positive thought and deep breathing.

06-08-13, 00:05
I know I need to just keep calm, I was usually ok with phone calls and quite talkative with clients and could even get through the confrontational calls with just mild panic.

It just came at a really bad time and i didnt want to divert the call until i calmed down, i wish i had now looking back because i think it wouldnt have knocked my confidence. I ended up hanging up and making out that they must have lost signal. It made it worse as i got up and made out i was going to the toilet, I knew they would ring right back (which they did and had my colleague take the call.)

When i came back through they never really mentioned anything about it but it made me paranoid that they knew something was up and its went from there,

The last few days Iv had a few calls and with time I have actually dealt well with it even though the mild panic kicks in to start when my phone goes. Im due to see my new doc on wednesday and with this coming up the day before is just really bad timing.

When i found out today that i was going to be in myself tomorrow i felt really panicky as soon as they mentioned it! Just keep trying to think positive and tell myself that it can even be some training to help me overcome it but the mild panic and overwhelming feeling is sitting in my gut! Trying to block it out before i go to bed, the worst thing would be to get no sleep and be tired tomorrow as well.

Bring on 6 tomorrow when im finished!

06-08-13, 00:18
Stay strong friend. I believe you will make it through the day tomorrow and that it will reinforce your faith in yourself. I will check on this thread again tomorrow to see how things turn out.

06-08-13, 15:20
Do let us know how you got on fella.

Hope your day is going ok :)

06-08-13, 23:26
Hi guys,

thanks for the support guys, was knackered today as i didnt get to sleep till about 2-3am this morning which wasnt the best.

Had quite alot of calls as expected but apart from the mild buzzy feeling at the start of each call it actually went not bad, no confrontational calls which was a positive. Just hoping in time that my confidence comes back with taking calls.

Thats what worries me the most is that it will never go away and will always be in the back of my mind when i take a call. Looking forward to getting tomorrow over with then Im going to get my medical at my new doctors.

06-08-13, 23:37
Nice one mate glad it went well. :)