View Full Version : I feel like I've never felt before.

06-08-13, 01:49
I'm really freaking out now. I feel like I'm going stiff and am going to be paralysed. I keep having these weird sort of spasms, hot prickly tingly sensations that affect different parts of my body.
I was falling to sleep earlier and I felt it in my head it made my eyes go weird and and made me jump up!! I'm going sort of hot and cold, the feeling of stiffness feels so real like I'm not goin to be able to move my hands or arms or I'm going to stop breathing!

I'm scared this is so weird!! I've never felt it before!!
In scared my hearts going to stop!
Has anyone else had this!!
Thank you x

Female healthanxiety
06-08-13, 01:52
Hello Hannah,

I can sympathise? I have stiffness all the time (Im 30) I usually get this I'm my jaw arm and feet and legs (always the left) which constantly worried me all the time and of course as a suffer of health anxiety, I always think the worst.

Do you suffer with HA in general?

Love K xx