View Full Version : Question Regarding tongue

06-08-13, 04:03
Long time lurker here. Decided to finally post as the stress is really getting to me....

I am having trouble with a white/patchy tongue. Normally I am a student but this summer I have been working a very stressful job. Last week I had a presentation for work and was under a TON of stress, like lose sleep at night for a couple of hours...

The white/furry look of my tongue began about 2 weeks ago when one of my friends pointed it out. The patches seem to move. For example, the spots in the attached picture were not there initially. Also, after I drink of cup of coffee or two my tongue becomes noticeably brown.

Unfortunately, I dip tobacco. I am about a can every three days and have been like this for 4.5 years. I really hope that this is not the cause of the tongue. I understand I need to quit dip, but it has been difficult especially with the stress of work.

I am thinking I have what is refered to commonly as "geographic tongue" and hopefully not something worse due to my tobacco use....

06-08-13, 08:07
It doesn't look too bad. Have you tried a tongue scraper? There might be some kind of mouth wash for it too. I don't know anything about tobacco dipping. I don't think we do that on this side of the pond. If you are worried it's probably worth a visit to the doctor just to reassure yourself. Letting stuff play on your mind is a quick route to anxiety.
Good luck with it.

06-08-13, 08:40
i would go and get it looked at by a dentist - they will be more familiar than a medical dr.


06-08-13, 18:19
Could be several things from deficiencies, candida to bacterial overgrowth. Best to see your GP or dentist.