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View Full Version : Headaches

29-06-04, 19:59
I have been prescribed betablockers for high blood pressure but they give me headaches - sometimes almost unbearable. I started with Atenolol (headaches continuous); then Celiprolol (headaches a bit better but poor blood pressure control. I am now on Bisoprolol which give very good BP control (always below 130/80) but very variable headaches. Sometimes I get days with almost no headaches but other days they can be almost unbearable unless I take about 4 or 5 Ibuprofen tablets. My Bisoprolol dose is 10mg.

Any advice?


29-06-04, 20:14
Hi Bob,

Headaches are not a common sideffect with betablockers for hypertension. I'm sorry you're having such a bad time with it.

Have you any other medical conditions that may be affecting this and are you on daily aspirin ?

My question is why is your doctor persisting with this class of drug when it so doesn't suit you after 3 similar drugs, when there are all the ace inhibitors and angiotensin II catagories out there that are extremely effective anti hypertensives and may not have these sideeffects ?


29-06-04, 21:53
Hi Bob

I am on drugs for a high blood pressure too - I am on Perindopril. I had to try 2 others before I settled on this one cos the side effects were too unbearable for me!

I cannot take beta-blockers as I suffer (well not really suffer) with asthma so perhaps you need to take some other medication that is not a beta-blocker.

They gave me atenelol once without reading my notes - I ended up in hospital!!

Perhaps you could ask for some other meds and see how it goes. I never had headaches just dizziness and terrible breathing problems.

Let us know how it goes ok?

Welcome to the site by the way.


30-06-04, 03:41
Most beta blockers end with "olol".

They often have several side effects include abdominal cramps, dizziness, headache, nausea, numbness, tingling, cold extremities, sore throat, and shortness of breath or wheezing.

I remember this from when I was taking propranolol.
I'm sure there must be an alternative medication you could take.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'