View Full Version : going crazy - swollen lymph nodes

06-08-13, 08:21

I hope someone can answer me or give me some advice reassurance. My HA is going through the roof recently let me fill you in. Ive had lymph nodes in my neck for 4 years now. Doctors havent been concerned and I haven't had any tests (to be honest im to scared to get them anyway) they are very small, pea sized, squashy and movable. However just below one of my small nodes a large say 1cm node has appeared and it is solid, wont move. Does anyone have the same thing?

few other things to note that might be the cause apart from my fear of lymphoma is that maybe once or twice a month in my sleep I get this excruciating ear pain from inside the ear canal that the doctors are completely puzzled by as everything looks fine. I also have no sense of smell and haven't had for as long as I can remember.

I know that everyone will say go to the doctor but im am so scared I have a panic attack each time I think about it. I don't want to die so young I want a to marry my amazing fiancé next year and have a beautiful family but I dont even see the point of handing out invites as im sure I won't be here :'( :'( :'(

06-08-13, 08:31
Hi, Could it be its always been there and you just hadn't noticed before? I have big lymph nodes (dr's always comment on it). We have so many lumps and bumps on our bodies, 99.99% are totally harmless.


06-08-13, 08:51
4 years is a long time, im sure something would have happened by now if it was serious!!

i wouldn't be worried!

worried girl
06-08-13, 08:57
I have been able to feel mine for at least 4 years. I asked the doc once a few years back and I knew I had them for about 18 months at the time. I was told that by then I would be very sick if they were the sign of anything. You have lymph nodes like everyone else and as long as they not egg sized you can just forget about them. As for the pains I used to get similar ones and I think they were just the result of tensions due to stress...

06-08-13, 09:12
Thank you for your kind replies.

I just wish they would go away, I am seeing a therapist about my HA but its not working. I am sitting here crying I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel :( xx

worried girl
06-08-13, 09:21
But they will not go away, if they have been there that long...
I used to wish for the same so I know how you feel. My doc told me sometimes you have an infection and they just stay up. It just happens. apparently it is just the sign of a good immune system.

06-08-13, 10:16
yes they can definitely stay enlarged and even turn hard due to scarring. i believe mine are reacting to something, it's just a case of finding out what!

06-08-13, 21:31
I hope that is the case but im sure this node is new I feel my neck hundreds of time a day so im sure I would have noticed it. X

06-08-13, 21:56
hi I had the same worry for 2 years..turned out to be a node 7mm no threat just shotty node..don't let this wreck your life..and please don't google it..gina x