View Full Version : Headache advice...

06-08-13, 08:31
Hey so I'm a 17 year old girl and every time I get to 'the time of the month' ladies you'll know what I mean, about a week sometimes 2 weeks before I'm due to come on I suffer with headaches I just want to know if this is normal as my fear of a Tumor keeps coming back even though 3 different doctors have seen me and told me there almost certain its bit as tumors are very rare and I'd be in a lot more pain and have other symptons any advice/help from anyone would be greatly appreciated thank you xxx

06-08-13, 09:05
While I was on the phone to my best friend yesterday this exact conversation came up we have both been on our monthly cycle and for 2 weeks I've had a horrible headache and she has 2 we also think its our period she said she's takin paracetamol like smarties and it won't budge so yes I think its possible monthly cycle can cause headache I to go threu brain tumour fear x

06-08-13, 18:18
Yeah that does help I also worry because my head aches can make me feel off balance and sometimes I get dizzy spells, it really worrys me xx

06-08-13, 18:55
I always had bed headaches when my periods were due and my eyes didn't seem to focus right and made me feel dizzy.

06-08-13, 19:12
This dizziness isn't todo with my yes though its like the inside of my heads spinning its really scarey tbh don't know is its just anexity but it really worrys me xxx

06-08-13, 19:44
hi there all brain tumour worriers, brain tumour symptoms in my experience are headaches which never go but are unbearable, so bad you vomit, stumbling around, changing personality, and of course most people are diagnosed via fits, so highly unlikely and they are quite rare so dont worry blessings

06-08-13, 20:26
Thank you haha I'm a terrible worrier but its taking over my life to the point were I don't like going out anymore incase something happens to me xx

06-08-13, 20:50
I just wrote this today on my blog, hope it helps:

How to get rid of a headache (http://www.healthanxietyhq.com/5-ways-to-get-rid-of-a-headache/)

Don't worry about a brain tumour it's probably more unlikely than you getting struck by lightning at your age.

06-08-13, 22:01
The drs have told me its highly unlikely and more like headaches wich are made worse because if my worrying this website really helps me though meeting people going through the same things and same symptoms xxx