View Full Version : In hospital

06-08-13, 10:17
My name is liz, I am in a mental hospital in London. I've been agoraphobic and emetophobic for over 40 years. i feel imprisoned, on 'risperidone' 6mg - hate it here, have no family. hi to all, liz

06-08-13, 10:23
hi liz
sorry to here your in hospital all I can do is say we are all here for you and sending you loads of :hugs:

frosty x

06-08-13, 10:35
Hi liz sorry to hear you are in hospital we are all here to support you. :welcome:

06-08-13, 10:50
Hi Liz, welcome to NMP. I am sure you will find lots of help and support here.:hugs:

06-08-13, 11:05
Hi Liz, hope you get the help that you need from the hospital. Wishing you well and hope to hear more of your story :hugs:

06-08-13, 11:47

You will find lots of support, help and friends on here x

06-08-13, 12:33
Hello Liz hope you get better soon and not in hospital too long come and talk to US any time . Xxx

06-08-13, 20:29
Hi liz, I Am sorry to hear about your difficulties, I have emetophobia too though I am keeping the fear in check and not allowing it to affect my day to day life in the same way as it once did. Maybe one day with the right help, you too might find yourself in a better position. You most certainly have come to the right place, liz, as everyone here is wonderful and very caring. Keep in touch won't you. X

anx mum
06-08-13, 20:55
Hi liz I know it dosent feel like it but u are in the right place you will have peace and your meds will be sorted, and u aren't alone u have us and like you I suffer with anxiety so don't feel alone:hugs: