View Full Version : Rectal lump forund - TERRIFIED!

06-08-13, 11:14
I am 41 years old and male and live in the UK. For most of my life I have suffered from health anxiety.

I have mainly been worried about cancer during most of my adult life.
In my head like most of you I have at one point or other decided had cancer in every conceivable place in my body.

I had a scare a few months ago because I had been having awful Neuro sensory symptoms for months and was convinced I had a brain tumor or MS. I had an MRI and that was clear and suprise surprise, my symptoms soon disapeared. It was likely all caused by my anxiety.

However, just a few months on from that and feeling so much better I started getting an ache/pressure in my anus. After a week I saw a doctor and they did a rectal digit exam and couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary. I was told to take some painkillers and come back if it didn't go away or it got worse. A week later it was much worse. I went to the doctors and saw a different doctor and he did the same exam and again couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary. He said to come back again in a couple of weeks if it was no better.

I then went on holiday for a couple of weeks and the pain/ache has got worse and is constant. I have just seen another doctor today and they felt a 'fold in my bowel wall'. She later referred to it as a lump.

I have been referred for an urgent sigmoidoscopy.

Being a sufferer of health anxiety this is my WORST NIGHTMARE.

I am soooo terrified that it's cancer. In fact, I am convinced that it is cancer. My mother is 67 and is recovering from Colon Cancer so it's in my family.

It's going to take up to 2 weeks for an appointment and I really don't know how I am going to cope with the wait to find out for sure what is wrong with me.

06-08-13, 11:52
you have done the right thing and gone to the doctors but remember that i think over 70% of people referred urgently turn out to be nothing to worry about!

06-08-13, 12:27
Hi, she's probably seen that you have been in twice for the same thing and is erring on the side of caution. It is probably a haemorroid that she is feeling. I had bowel problems in my anal area a few months ago and when I saw the specialist he said "haemorroides" and was treated there and then. GP said something that scared me as well, but the specialist said it was all normal!

Space xxx

14-08-13, 11:54
Hi all. Thanks for your replies. They are a great help and very much appreciated. Sorry I haven't replied sooner but I was getting so worked up about this that I just wanted to take a break from anything that reminded me of it.

I am having my sigmoidoscopy on the 21st so will find out what this issue is then. I'm trying not to worry but with the regular pain I'm experiencing it's hard not to think about it. I hate that by having this awful health anxiety it means that no matter how many people try to reassure me, I just always think the worst.


Hmmmmmm.....Just read my appointment letter again and realised that I'm not having a Sigmoidoscopy :confused:. Seems I am just seeing a consultant. I have just rung the hospital and they said that my doctor's referral letter would have been initially reviewed and triaged and that a consultation appointment was what would have been deemed appropriate. They said that I would have an examination at my consultation but it wouldn't be a Sigmoidoscopy (another rectal digit exam then I guess).

My appointment letter states that:

'the consultant has not yet seen the letter from your doctor and he/she may request that you are redirected to another specialist more appropriate to treat your symptoms. If this happens, we will make contact with you'

My doctor said she was referring me for an urgent Sigmoidoscopy so, either they aren't too concerned by what my doctor wrote in the referral and think I don't need an urgent Sigmoidoscopy or there has been a mess up somewhere.

14-08-13, 12:05
I guess the fact that you've been 'downgraded' to a consultation rather than a sigmoidoscopy (spelling?) means that the experts in this area have reviewed it and don't see any cause for concern. They'll just check it again and probably send you on your way with some pile cream!
I know this part is tough, the waiting, i'm waiting for some x-ray results and I am struggling to cope. Try to imagine walking out of there knowing everything is ok, that's what i'm trying to do. Easier said than done I know!

I'm sure everything will be fine, just hang on in there.

14-08-13, 12:18
They probably think your GP was over-reacting based on your symptoms.

If the consultant thinks you need any investigtions then they will act quickly. Fingers crossed for you! I have a CT scan tomorrow to look at my swollen lymph glands so i know what you are going through.

14-08-13, 18:11
Don`t panic! There are a million and one things this could be besides cancer, and all of them far more likely, and most of them requiring a referral to a consultant for treatment so the referral doesn`t necessarily mean anything. A doctor would be able to tell with a simple rectal exam whether it is something suspicious or not based on the location, "hardness", shape and various other factors. My guess is absolutely piles which will probably need a (painless - I`ve had one!) injection and then you`re on your way. Relax. Your chances of this being something scary are VERY low.

15-08-13, 22:42
Most people now see a consultant or their registrar and they decide what tests to do. This is different to how it was 5 years ago when I had my colonsocpy as my GP referred me for it direct to unit. Back in March when I had some bleeding like you I had to see consultant first and then they decided I needed a sigmoidoscopy. Because I was not urgent I waited 6 weeks for clinic appt and then a further 5 weeks for test!