View Full Version : Panic about going on holiday

06-08-13, 11:45
Hi everyone.
I am going on holiday on Saturday for two weeks. We are only going in this country so no flights. Ive had problems with holidays for the last 10 years although apart from one long weekend last year when i panicked so much i couldnt go, have managed them recently with the help of diazepam. Its never easy especially beforehand. Im already feeling tense and thoughts of what excuse i can make to not go are appearing. Any thoughts and helpful ideas would be great.

06-08-13, 13:23
Hi i recently went abroad for 2 weeks and beforehand my anxiety soared i really didn't want to go, i felt petrified about it and was also trying to think up excuses not to go but i went and you know what i had zero anxiety or panic whilst i was there and had an absolutely fantastic time that i didn't want to come home! I find anticipation anxiety the worst but Im sure you'll be fine once you get there and start relaxing, funny enough my anxiety has reared its ugly head since I've been back home :-( x x

06-08-13, 14:00
Hi Nicola

I know once Ive got there and settled in then it wont be so bad. Ive done that before.

What makes me really anxious is that Ill panic so much that I wont be able to even get out of the house. I feel like Im 'not there' at present with a general tingly feeling all over. Im swinging between not wanting to go and feeling guilty about it as my husband really needs this holiday as hes under an awful amount of strain due to his job.

Hope your anxiety reduces soon