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View Full Version : Acid reflux making me depressed and anxious

06-08-13, 12:24
These last few days i've been having bad throat problems. I get acid quite a lot and every so often I get this lump in my throat feeling that doesn't disappear for like a week. This time I also had a feeling of the back of my throat feeling blocked with phlegm which has caused me a lot of worry because I seem to have coughed out all the phlegm now.
During this week i'm often depressed, anxious, irritable and tired. I get that feeling in my head where it just feels foggy and like I wanna pass out and like my body isn't my own.
Am I the only one who feels like this sometimes?

06-08-13, 12:26
No I am here as well.
The lump in the throat is always coming back when I am stressed - anxious or depressed for few days.
The stomach is getting bad and I suppose the acid is doing that.
I don't like it at all.
But I am trying to accept.

I am a bit concerned to long term issues about that, but the doctor doesn't take me too seriously until I don't solve my anxiety, I suppose..

06-08-13, 13:20
Reflux and globus is horrible... it's the worst HA symptom I have ever had. The thing is though it will pass.. hold on to that. It's horrible, but it will go.


06-08-13, 13:29
mmmh I am wondering if I need medication or not, that's the thing.
When I went to the ENT he said I had a bit inflamation to the larynge maybe for reflux and gave me a 2 months prescription for ppi.
That is last year.
Now I found that the ppi interact with citalopram that I take for anxiety and everything, and that the globus will come back when the anxiety get worse and my stomach as well..
So, well, I have no idea.
I guess I just have to live with it, but I would like to have an ENT visit sometimes just to be sure that anything bad happens..

06-08-13, 13:59
I've found cutting out dairy helps with the phelgm but still I need to accept it will move and no longer get really stressed with it, also mindful eating has cut down the amount of reflux I get