View Full Version : Does this site make HA worse

06-08-13, 12:36
..from my perspective, yes, I see loads of HA threads flash up in the latest thread links, some catch me attention and even though I know I should not click it I don't have the strength not too.

I feel that what happens on this forum is triggering, I would like it so that my user is not allowed access to it (ie its hidden from searches), as when its thrust it my face I find it too tempting, and then it all kicks off and on that spiral again.

Even the the sticky above it says it should not be used for symptons etc.

06-08-13, 13:09
I think it depends on the individual. Most people probably find it comforting to be able to come here and share their fears with like-minded people. On the other hand, I have no doubt that there are certain individuals whose HA is made worse by reading some of the threads. There are times when I see the same people starting one thread after another about diseases they fear they might have. Whilst I understand their need for comfort and reassurance I often wonder if they are imagining new symptoms/diseases because they are spending too much time reading too many threads here. So, yes I think this is the wrong place for some people. They would be better off spending less time here and more time looking for a therapist. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh and it's just my opinion.

06-08-13, 13:14
Not harsh, I agree, I am one of those people that should not be allowed on here, but the problem is I get a lot from other areas, its just that want you look at the active threads it doesn't take much to catch my attention. I would just like a way of blocking that forum from my view, that's all.

06-08-13, 13:21
For short term relief of health anxiety this site is invaluable. I know Nicola does an amazing job here and she has created a community where people can help each other through their darkest times - not just HA but panic attacks and other disorders.

On several occasions when my health anxiety was at it's worst I came here looking for reassurance and help, and I found it - it made me feel much better at the time.

If you're looking for a long term cure from HA then you shouldn't go seeking reassurance on the internet because long-term this behaviour only makes it worse. Believe me I have been there and it is NOT a happy place.

Once you are cured from HA, you don't come to sites like this with the same attitude. I come on here now to try and help people, and I look at the threads in a completely different way than I did 4-5 years ago.

06-08-13, 13:23
I find it comforting to come on NMP. When I'm having a bout of HA I tell myself I can only search on NMP and I can't google anywhere else... this helps as it makes me realise that my symptoms are HA and that I'm not alone with it. And it also make me realise that there are people with even more bonkers HA than me - which makes me feel better - sorry guys! Everyone is different though.


06-08-13, 13:30
You can block certain forums from view. We implemented that feature for this very reason

06-08-13, 14:08
You can block certain forums from view. We implemented that feature for this very reason


06-08-13, 14:13

06-08-13, 16:29
Sambomonkee, when you are feeling a bit braver I want you to try the following experiment:

Visit this site and click on every scary looking thread you can find. Read them, absorb them, read them again. The thought of this may scare you now, but when you actually pluck up the courage to do it you will find that after a while your anxiety reduces and you see these threads for what they are - words on a page. They can not hurt you. What you are doing by blocking scary-looking threads is creating the illusion of fear when there is nothing to be feared. Face your fears and you will see them disappear*

*copyright Paul McKenna and Claire Weekes

06-08-13, 16:37
And it also make me realise that there are people with even more bonkers HA than me - which makes me feel better - sorry guys! Everyone is different though.


I thought I was the only one who thought like that! Not to ridicule or put down other peoples issues but I feel more in control and appreciative of my own 'issues' when I read about others who are in a darker place. My HA is mild compared to some of the stuff I read on NMP. xx

07-08-13, 00:33
[QUOTE=skippy66;1198062]Sambomonkee, when you are feeling a bit braver I want you to try the following experiment:

Visit this site and click on every scary looking thread you can find. Read them, absorb them, read them again. The thought of this may scare you now, but when you actually pluck up the courage to do it you will find that after a while your anxiety reduces and you see these threads for what they are - words on a page. They can not hurt you. What you are doing by blocking scary-looking threads is creating the illusion of fear when there is nothing to be feared. Face your fears and you will see them disappear*

I totally and fully agree with skippy :)

It's not this site that is making your HA worse hun, it's your own inner fears :)

You are frightened because you think you are going to feel the panic when you read about health issues. It's not a trigger..........the trigger is within you :)

To be honest I'd say that this site is probably going to be very beneficial to you in the long run because it will help you to understand and address your fears.

Now I know this is not an easy thing to do, I'm agoraphobic and I'm currently facing my own fears, it takes a lot of strength but it's very, very worth it in the end :)

Unfortunately the only way to deal with fear is to face it, there is no other way. The more you face it, the less frightened you will be and your confidence will grow stronger and stronger :)

Now I'm not suggesting that you now go and look at every health issue on here, of course not, that would be too much for anyone to cope with, but you can do it little by little, bit by bit, so instead of making it so that you cannot read the threads, put yourself back in control and allow yourself to read one item when you feel comfortable enough to do it :)

You could maybe start your own diary on here, your own thread so that you can note what you've been able to do, how you felt and how you're finding it, there are heaps of lovely, friendly and very supportive and understanding people on NMP and we will support you and listen to you every step of the way :)

What you are doing at the moment is trying to hide from the fear that is within you, okay so you wont feel afraid and you wont feel the panic, but that is not going to progress you in your recovery hun, I know cos I've been doing that for years and ended up completely housebound and unable to go anywhere, it is only since I have learned that it's me that has the fear and not the outside world making me fearful, that I've been able to slowly and gradually go out and face it :)

You have to decide when you feel comfortable to do it though and maybe following a CBT therapy would be helpful to you, it's helped me enormously.

I hope this makes some sense and helps you a little and I wish you all the best with whatever you decide to do hun :hugs:

07-08-13, 08:48
I find it useful to post things to find out if they really are anxiety symptoms that other people suffer with! That makes me feel more relaxed about what's going on in my head and with my body.

The only time this site ramps up my anxiety is when someone posts saying that they've actually been diagnosed with something that they've been worried about :(

07-08-13, 10:13
It was one thing to confront your fears and another thing to feed them. Therefore, if you feel that reading about the various serious illnesses is having a negative impact on your mental health then block away. I would. They didn't provide that option here for no reason.