View Full Version : back on my correct medication again..

06-08-13, 13:36
After my new doctor tried to get me to drop down from 250 trazadone at night to 150mg i contacted my comunity memtal health team and told them the story.they imidiatly faxed over there recomendation telling my stupid cost cutting doctor,that its in my best health to receive the correct amount of medication that is working for me and adviced them to put me back on 250mg at night .so after all that rubish my doctor gave me about the goverment wont alow my fundings and its not good for my health,he imidiatly put me back on my orig dose aagain without any questions...ha ..the power of the mental health team...good on them...

06-08-13, 14:05
Glad to hear your back on the dose that helps, mental health treatments are already hard to come by, there should be so much more funding for this area, it's ridiculous!

06-08-13, 14:07
Pleased you got them sorted Greg :)