View Full Version : whats happening to me

06-08-13, 15:18
hi all im feeling very anxious at the moment i am due on my period which i think is the cause but im angry with myself ive had an indentation on my areola for the last 7 years and has been fully investigated and have been seen by a dr recently who said said my only problem was i over anylise everything about my health and she right i know i do so i felt fine but now im really anxious about it again i know its because my periods due and im going on holiday on friday which is adding to my anxiety but im angry at the fact ive had this indentation for 7 years and its causing me anxiety again even though i know its fine i cant control the anxiety is anyone else like this or am i alone with my idiot self x

06-08-13, 17:20
Hi Bronte - I could have written your post!! I am due my period today (still waiting!) and feel extremely anxious.. I'm also going on holiday on Friday! Really want to be over this so I can enjoy the holiday. If the indentation is there for 7 years it can't be bad - especially as you have seen the dr. I definitatly think there is a link between hormones and anxiety. Can I ask, are you a student or on holidays/off work at the moment? I find sitting around makes my anxiety worse, but really struggle to motivate myself.


06-08-13, 19:59
yes spacebunnyx i work in school and finding extra time to analyse everything about my breast im obsessed with them at the moment ive even rolled the skin of my areola between my fingers and because ive found both my areolas dont feel the same between my fingers im worried again i know thats not a thing you even do to find abnormalities ive done it now so the damage is done im fed up x

06-08-13, 21:34
Hi Bronte - I work in a school as well. My HA always kicks off within a week or two of the start of summer holidays - too much time to ponder my navel (or in your case areola!).

I would leave them be, yes its important to keep an eye but its been checked by your doc so it's OK.


06-08-13, 21:46
Hi there
I also work in a school and have to keep myself very busy in the holidays to distract myself. I have managed very well for the first two weeks, but this week my anxiety has really settled itself in again. And guess what?! I'm premenstrual too. There seems to be a pattern to this.
I was once told by a very wise person that 'this too will pass' and it will and it always does, so although it's horrible at the moment, it will pass.