View Full Version : Unsettled!

06-08-13, 15:39
Feeling really unsettled today guys. I don't feel huge panic, fear or dread and physically I feel fine but I feel.... fidgety, impatient, thoughtful and a little out of my comfort zone. This Saturday I am helping to clear my partners nans house (she sadly died last weekend) and this throws up a range of emotion for various reasons. Then next Wednesday is my dentist appt (1st in centuries :scared15:) which I'm dreading but HAS to be done. Then next Friday is the funeral - an event which is way beyond my comfort zone. There is another 'potential' issue lingering in the background but this may/may not come to anything - I won't know for a few days but it is playing on my mind. On top of all that I'm trying to juggle a busy time at work, re-decorate my house and support my other half in a new business venture. I wouldn't say I felt stressed but as an overthinker (always have been... but trying not to be :wacko:) my head is all over the place!

06-08-13, 15:55
Aww Meche you have so much going on at the moment it is not surprising you are feeling so stressed! I get the same when I have a lot on and end up doing everything I have to do in my mind when I should be sleeping! Try to focus on just one event at a time until that one is over with. Could you maybe forget the redecorating until after all these other things are over with to give you one less to worry about? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-08-13, 12:40
Thanks Annie (sorry for late reply)! Trying really hard to take one thing at a time but the way my mind works...... :doh:! Anyway, feeling a little more positive today and just want to get through the next week as quick as possible. The funeral is on Monday (not Friday) so not such a long time to dwell as I thought. Now to deal with everything else :huh:! xxx