View Full Version : My therapist wants to try hypnosis, but I'm scared?

06-08-13, 15:42
Last week he said he wanted to do hypnosis on me, and that it will really help my anxiety. He was going to count to 15, but between each number he wants me to blink quickly. He said once he reaches to 15 I won't be able to open my eyes, that I'll be in a trance.

This all sounds so scary, I'm going today for another session but I'm nervous and don't want to do it. I'm scared at what it will feel like, I'm worried that not being able to open my eyes will set my anxiety off. Or that something will happen to me during the trance.

Anyone been hypnotized before?

06-08-13, 16:02
Tell your therapist that you are not happy with being hypnotised, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to. Have a chat with him about it first before ruling it out, find out a bit more information.

06-08-13, 16:32
I think hypnosis is the most wonderful feeling ever, and yes I am the most anxious person in the whole world! I get the feeling that your therapist isn't the best at putting you at ease, my advice is to go see another registered hypnotherapist and see how you feel then. I have a fear of not being able to do anything and being trapped asleep or in a trance, honestly it's nothing like that at all.

06-08-13, 17:10
Thanks so much for the advice, guys. :)

Talbot, if you don't mind telling me, how does it feel like being in a trance? I have that same fear! I'm so scared I'll be stuck in the trance.

06-08-13, 17:15
There is a big difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy so don't get the two confused.

06-08-13, 17:19
There is a big difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy so don't get the two confused.

What are the differences?

06-08-13, 17:47

Hypnosis is when you aren't even aware of what you are doing - like all those stage shows you see

06-08-13, 17:52
That's a great article! Thanks Nicola :)

06-08-13, 18:17
You are welcome