View Full Version : I'm trying hypnotherapy - do you think it will work?

06-08-13, 16:56
So I've booked a consultation for hypnotherapy to see if it will help my anxiety symptoms which are mainly tingling, illnesses have been ruled out by my doctor and I need to accept its anxiety an try to combat it!

Funny how all symptoms go away when I'm out drinking with my mates or when I'm at the gym engrossed in a workout but they are at their worst in the day at work sat at my desk - I need to trust my rational mind and try to cure this, but I refuse to use tablets so I need to go with alternative therapies :)

Any advice etc would be good x

06-08-13, 18:45
I'm in a very similar situation to you. I'm fine when drunk (probably not a good thing to say) and fine when at the gym or playing football but sitting about or at my desk at work my mind works overtime and I can feel every little tingle in my body.
I've thought about hypnotherapy but the cost has always put me off.
Please get back to me and let me know how it goes.