View Full Version : sleep and HA

06-08-13, 17:26
Ok guys,
I have problems sleeping for few days.
I've got 6 hours.. then 5 - 4 - 4 then again 6 I suppose.
Today I called the doc and she said I could increase a bit the amitryptiline for few nights to establish again a good pattern.
I've asked if I should wait few days or how many hours I should sleep.
She said it depends how many hours do you need, don't worry, if you take it it's ok.

I am anxious that with bad sleep I will get illness for less immunitary response.
I am anxious to have to increase always more this medication.

And I know that being anxious I am not helping with sleep.

So I don't know, I'll wait a bit, maybe tonight not taking it.
Or taking one and then no and then yes.. just alternating?

Am I the only one with this stupid fear?
Everywhere on the net there are articles about how important is to have a good night sleep and how dangerous to not sleep well.
But with anxiety it's not easy!!

07-08-13, 09:02
only me right?
Ok I have some crazy anxiety related stuff to health.
But more than strange illnesses I am scared to have even a single flu or something like that.
Because in the past I got big anxiety with the flu, so I tend to relapse and anticipate and I live my life scared by the anxiety coming back... so it comes even without flu!!

Nobody worried by sleep and things like that?

07-08-13, 09:29
If your body is tired enough it will get enough sleep.

You're obsessing over this - get some distraction in your life, and try exercising a few hours before bed to get yourself physically tired.

07-08-13, 09:32
it's not always like that with insomnia.
I can't sleep and have panick when I am ill usually and the days are long and long.
I would need to rest to help my body but I am not able.

And sometimes in these crisis just anticipating the worry.
Yes I should stop obsessing..