View Full Version : How many actually diagnosed terminal?

06-08-13, 18:49
I just thought it might be helpful to see how many HA sufferers on this forum have actually been diagnosed with anything serious or terminal.

I have been convinced I've had about 4 or 5 different types of cancer over the past 6 years but every time I have gone to the docs, I have been given the all clear and I'm still hanging on in there.

06-08-13, 18:53
Not good choice of title.. Terminal...

06-08-13, 18:54
I guess it depends on what you class as serious?

06-08-13, 18:56
Only once... I had a slight cramp on one side, thought I was over-reacting and did all my CBT-stuff/finding other reasons for the pain etc. turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy...

I have however never been diagnosed with the numerous other illnesses I thought I had!

06-08-13, 19:29
I imagine the actual amount is tiny, part of HA is always believing the worst possible outcome, so every headache is a brain tumour, every pain cancer etc... when even if there is a problem, chances are it is something very minor like a cold or pulled muscle

06-08-13, 19:40
I always had worries in regard to the normal things lumps and bumps, and i hesitate to say this but i was diagnosed with a brain tumour in january this year, they initially said it was a terminal case i was out of the programme thankfully my family took the burden, had surgery and the tumour removed and biopsy revealed it was not the tumour they first thought, was not as bad can not cure but control hopefully, so this was never a worry of mine ever my twin sister however was constantly convinced she had a brain tumour! she now has stopped worrying quite as much, life will throw you some rum deals but you must just run with it and get through it as best you can, i always try and post on anyone scared about brain tumours, always try and live your lives and be happy xxxxxxxxx