View Full Version : Life causes my anxiety

18-10-06, 09:06
Ive come to the conclusion that I will always be an anxious worried person.When life is running smoothly Im ok but any 'event' has me in a panic. eg.a row with anyone,my daughters miscarriage,my son being stopped and searched by the police even though hes done nothing,my kids coming home late,my husband being late and out driving his lorry on the motorway,in fact any problem has me worrying for days if not weeks.
In the past ive had antidepressants and tranquillizers and also cbt.I bought the linden method and have read numerous books on self help.
My family think I am angry with them but Im not,im scared for them.They cant understand how I feel cos they dont have anxiety like me.
I feel very tired and I know its because of the events on sunday.Ill be alright in a couple of days until lifes next hiccup then Ill be back to the worrying wreck that I am.I wish I could handle life better.
Sorry for this post I know its negative but its how I feel.

julie x

18-10-06, 10:01
Hi Julie,never apologise for how you feel,specially here!I am a worry -wort too hun!And it is a bind,but i have decided to accept how i am ,and by doing that it seeems to help.We cannot control everything and trying to makes us unhappy and ill too!Have you tried listeniung to paul mckenna's cd's they really helpedme!And talking in here was the biggest help!I think we tend to sit in wait for the next worrying situation and it is a cycle thatcan be broken,Lovely to meet you,Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

18-10-06, 10:06
Sorry to hear you are having a difficult time, Julie. I am a worrier too, but after a couple of things happened it turned into anxiety and panic attacks. My husband doesn't worry about things like health or accidents - he says it is because he has no imagination. He has had medical tests on occasion, but doesn't worry whereas I have immediately assumed the worst. I have a real tendency towards 'catastrophic thinking' as they call it. It is mostly about health, but it spills over into other areas. I am always saying, "Get off that before you fall"!

I'm sorry that CBT hasn't helped you, I have found it useful to overcome negative thoughts. Hope you feel better later. You will find a lot of help and support on these forums.

18-10-06, 10:15
Thank you for your lovely reply Mary rose.

you are so right that I just seem to be waiting for the next thing to happen.You are also right that I need to be in control.When my daughter lost her baby 2 years ago along with the break up of her relationship with the father I was in pieces.My daughter was in so much pain and I couldnt do anything to help her.I wanted to take away her pain but couldnt.Im crying now just remembering it.I love my family so much.Hope this makes sense.you are a very understanding lady.
julie x

18-10-06, 10:21
Thank you too Spuds.

I think your husband is right,I wish I didnt have an imagination too.
I know we can choose a positive outcome to events but there are so many bad things going on in the world that I cant always think that way.
When I hear of these youngsters being killed it worries me to death when my 15yr old son is out at night even though hes in by 9.30pm.
julie x

18-10-06, 14:36
hi Julie sorry you are feeling so down at the moment.Hope things get better for you soon.Its hard for families to understand unless they have been through what we go through.I worry all the time,my worst worry is losing my family an my partner I hate these nasty thoughts.:(

Ellen XX