View Full Version : Breathing awful

anx mum
06-08-13, 20:04
Ended up at my docs today as still have pain in chest my breathing all over the place my sats were low:weep: was really scared. My doc did a heart trace, the trace was ok he said the breathing was cos im getting upset and to try and slow my breathing down anyone got any tips?

06-08-13, 20:52
Yes, distract yourself with something. Best thing is a computer game but if you're not into them then read a book or go for a walk with headphones in and music on.

Get something else to focus on and you will forget about your breathing.

anx mum
06-08-13, 21:00
Thank u skippy its awful isn't it watched your video and me and my son laughed that's exactly how I am. How are you doing?

06-08-13, 21:01
I'm doing great thanks. Hope you feel better soon, I'm sure you will.

06-08-13, 21:13
Hi i remember waking with really bad chest pains when my anxiety was at its worst so of course i panicked which then made me even worse! I rushed to the surgery and had an ecg which was thankfully normal but i have noticed when my anxiety is bad my chest does tighten, have you got any diazepam to help relax you? Remember panic breeds panic so try to stay calm and just ignore it although that's easier said than done x x

anx mum
06-08-13, 21:26
yeh got some diazepam but not sure if it works as been on it along time what mg did u take?

06-08-13, 21:30
Hi Anxmum

I find exercise helps with my breathing, something quite strenuous. My body goes in to survival mode! :-)

06-08-13, 21:44
yeh got some diazepam but not sure if it works as been on it along time what mg did u take?

Im currently on 6mg a day after slowly reducing down from 10mg but fortunately 2mg seems to be enough still to take the edge off x x

anx mum
06-08-13, 21:58
Have u been on it long I don't think my diazepam working. What did your chest pain feel like?

06-08-13, 22:19
2 mg makes me so tired..actually freaks me out instead of relaxing me x

06-08-13, 22:21
Bev - you have had the chest pain on and off since 2008 so what has happened before to stop it cos you sometimes disappear from here for months so you must have been ok then ?

Something must be triggering it and something must be causing it to subside.

anx mum
06-08-13, 22:36
I guess in time it just goes really don't know what starts it. I lost a dear friend had a lot of problems I have been on a few times speaking to people.

06-08-13, 22:57
Ok so it is nothing serious then and you need to accept that and appreciate you have had it before for a long time and it will go when you calm down and your anxiety subsides.

Tackle the underlying problem of the anxiety and the chest pain and headaches etc will go as well.

07-08-13, 01:35
Have u been on it long I don't think my diazepam working. What did your chest pain feel like?

I've been on a daily dose of diazepam for over a year now as they couldn't get my meds right but Im now slowly weaning off, when Im highly anxious my chest pain comes back along with daily headaches, it feels like i can't catch my breath and my chest is aching but i know its anxiety now and try and distract myself and my mind from going into panic mode about it and the worst thing you can do is concentrate on your breathing so just try and shrug it off as just being anxiety and concentrate on something else, i know its hard hun but the more you panic the worse it will get, i had my uncles funeral on Monday and i could feel my chest tightening whilst on the way, it felt like something was crushing my chest but i knew it was just normal anxiety and pushed it to one side and tried to ignore it, then my headache started which i couldn't ignore so i just popped a couple of paracetamol and a 2mg of diazepam to get me through the service and carried on, you pay you've lost a friend and grief shows itself in different forms, i first had my chest pain after my grandad died suddenly, grief can make you feel very poorly, hope you feel better soon x x

07-08-13, 03:57
Woke up this morning feeling not able to breathe, which was new. Then ended up in hospital with icky chest pain. I honestly don't know what I recommend. But you're not alone.