View Full Version : Very low right now and just need to be heard

06-08-13, 20:55
Hello Everyone. I hope this post finds you all in better shape than I am currently in. I am a 43 yr old male and longtime sufferer of HA. I have worried about more symptoms than I can count and right now I am at an all time low. I have 4 small kids, a very demanding but high paying job and a wonderful and beautiful wife whom I love very dearly. I have GERD and IBS and I take a statin for high cholesterol. I eat a very healthy diet, I workout at least a couple of times a week and my weight is where it should be. I am so low right now because I am so crushed by stress that I am experiencing sexual problems. The sexual problems are causing me to spiral down worrying about all things physical that could be wrong with me that could be causing the sexual performance issues. When I take a benzo, I am able to perform so logically I “know” that if an anti-anxiety drug helps me perform then this is definitely an anxiety problem but I can’t seem to actually believe it and I have no idea how to get past it. I have set up an appointment with an urologist to discuss this issue because I have been having some dull pain but I am pretty sure he is going to tell me that this is all in my head after several undignified tests. My wife is very supportive but has no idea how difficult this is for me and how I cannot stop worrying. If the urologist finds no physical problems then I will set up an appointment with a counselor to see if I can get past this mentally. I guess I really don’t need anything from you all but I just need to vent to people who understand my daily struggle. Take care and thanks for listening.

*Fallen Angel*
06-08-13, 22:45

Really sorry to hear what you are going through. I am a longtime HA sufferer and know what it's like to be in a vicious circle where one thing affects another.

I don't have any useful advice but wanted you to know you aren't alone. I find being a H A sufferer is quite lonely and my family don't get it at all.

07-08-13, 02:22
Thanks Angel,

It is nice to know I am not alone.