View Full Version : Lumpy tissue?

07-08-13, 00:20
Hoping others can say they have this too??

When I press into my skin, like really press I can feel sore of lumpy bits. I have it on backs of my thighs, outs thighs, top of hips and tummy . They cannot be seen and I need to push in quite a bit to feel.

I am worrying its nodes but surely f I had all these swollen nodes I would be very sick? I had a baby recently so had lots of ultrasounds on my tummy so I'm sure if the lumps were something to worry about they would have shown up.

I am also 2 stones overweight so now sure i that's why is can feel them.


07-08-13, 00:28
it is probably fat or cellulite to be honest.

07-08-13, 00:29
It kind feels the same as the tissue in my breasts. I've gone a few times to breadt clinic with what has felt like lumps to me for me to be told its normal breast tissue.

07-08-13, 08:22
Yeah some people have more lumpy breast tissue I've been told that before, but you should get a doc to look at any breast lumps, as for the rest of your body sadly I agree with Nicola - I have lumpy bits that are just cellulite or fat build up bits lol
Part of being a woman I guess!

07-08-13, 19:56
I have this, it's just fat under the skin. It feels weird and alarming when you first notice it but that's all it is. Xx

07-08-13, 22:30
Well i asked my sister tonight about the lumps and she said they were probably just fatty deposits. Then I asked her to feel it and she looked at me like iw as mad and said that just normal skin and beneath the skin!

That's the thing I tend to 'find' all these things and when I go to the doctor I told its normal and meant to be there.

Breast lumps. Yes I always get them checked.

08-08-13, 13:27
Sounds like fat to me, pretty normal to be honest.