View Full Version : Feels like im falling

07-08-13, 09:11
I keep getting these awful feelings at night. Just as im about to go to sleep it feels like my heart slows right down to the point of stopping and i feel like im falling. I have had it for the last few nights but last night was the worst, i kept getting the sensations of falling and i kept waking up. I am under lits of stress as im waiting for an appoinment for a major operation. Ive suffered anxiety for years i had ecg, echo, heart monitor and bp monitor in June all came back fine apart from occasional ectopics which the cardiologist said were perfectly normal. I get palpatations, panic attacks etc but im so scared as im having trouble sleeping. But as soon as the sun comes up about 5am i feel like i could sleep. I am terrible with doctor google and at present im always looking for something as im sure i will have compications with this operation, i got myself in such a state before they cancelled it as my heart rate and bp shot through the roof hence all the heart tests. Now after looking on google im thinking i have sleep apnea now im worried this will cause problems through the operation as im having a general anasetic. As ive read sleep apnea causes airways to shut and can cause heart attacks or strokes, im so scared. Everyone says its anxiety but can it be anxiety. Please someone reply, i know people must get fed up with me keep posting on here as i have so many symptoms but i no one else understands. Im dreading bedtime tonight:(

07-08-13, 09:33
I've had this. And yes it is anxiety. I think there may well be a sticky on it.
I only get it when my anxiety is at its height and it does take some breaking out of. I'm not sure what the solution is as I dreaded going to bed because the more you try to ignore it the more it happens.
It's like an adrenalin rush, your body thinks why am I relaxing I'm stressed and makes you tense up so you jerk awake. It's vile and I was shattered when it actually calmed down.
Did your book arrive yet?
Have you got any relaxation CDs? I've got a good one on my iPod which I do when I'm really bad. Even just doing that for an hour helped my body to rest.
When I had it a few years ago it really was that bad that I had to have sleeping pills for a couple of nights so I physically couldn't stay awake. Diazapam also worked quite well. I hate meds but this is one that I tolerated as it just made me all floppy and sleepy and restful.