View Full Version : CT Scan - they will never find out whats wrong with me

07-08-13, 13:11
Well i have spoken to the CT scan department to chase up my scan date - it's next week. The scan is of my neck, throat, abdomen and pelvis.

I stupidly asked a question and now wish I hadn't because I'm in a right panic.

I asked the woman on the phone if they will look for ALL abnormalities or only what the consultant has requested - she told me just what the consultant has requested!!!

The consultant is doing the scan to check my glands but im terrified because I feel like my glands aren't the problem and now they will miss anything else!!

I cant believe it, NOBODY can tell me what's wrong with me and im never going to find out probably until its too late!!

07-08-13, 13:24
They only scan the area they are asked to or if you think about it you would be in the scanner for hours lol

07-08-13, 13:25
The doctor reading the scan results will notice anything hugely abnormal in the area where the scan is taken. You cannot predict what is wrong and should try not to catastrophise.

I can remember reading some of your other posts but can't recall what you are having the scan for, symptom wise?

07-08-13, 13:38
im going to scream at my GP tomorrow that I don't feel like they are getting to the bottom of things. i just can't live like this anymore! wondering, worrying, analysing etc etc

07-08-13, 13:42
What are the looking for in the scan?

07-08-13, 14:02
Darren firstly you need to calm yourself down, you're frightening yourself again when you have no need too :)

You have to try and trust your consultant, that is the first thing that you must do.

When you have your scan, they will be looking at the parts that your consultant would like to see, they haven't got the time to be able to scan every single patient from head to toe, it would be impossible and a waste of time and money too.

Please don't go screaming at your GP..........stop now!!!.......and ask yourself how is that going to help you????

Yes by all means go and have a chat with your GP but there's no need for you to become irrational and irate, it will just stress you out and your poor GP which isn't going to help anyone :)

Darren try to distract yourself when you get scary thoughts, your GP and your consultant are both looking after you and are both trying to get to the bottom of it, that's all that they can do, there's no magic wand ya know!! :winks:

I don't know if you're at work today, but if you're not, try to do something relaxing and calming. Stop feeding your fear, you are safe and are being well looked after, they are not going to miss anything Darren and you are going to be just fine :)

07-08-13, 14:03
the consultant just rang me regarding my blood results and they are fine. i explained to her that im concerned the scan isn't going to find anything and she said they are just checking my glands. she said if they are normal then i will be referred back to my gp!!!!!

this is never ending!!!

07-08-13, 14:26
Be glad if they don't find anything and your GP decides your glands are OK. CT scans expose you to radiation so the less you have the better. Do you receive therapy? If not then maybe it's time to ask for a referral. Your HA appears to be extreme and you need professional help. I'm not trying to imply that it is all in your mind but if it is then you need to talk to someone. You are torturing yourself and that is no way to live.

07-08-13, 14:35
No it isn't never ending Darren.

Right, so your blood test results have come back normal. Well that's good isn't it???

That means that there is very little chance of their being something serious going on Darren, try looking at it in a positive way, it's good news :)

It is very normal to be referred back to your GP Darren. Once the consultant has carried out the tests and examinations that they require, if all is well there is nothing more that they can do is there???

But once again, that, for me anyway, would be good news, there's nothing to worry about :)

Darren I can't remember if I have asked you this before or not, but have you ever had any help with your health anxiety??

I think you would find it really helpful if you got some help for that Darren, you're only young and it saddens me that you're suffering like this when you should be have a real fun time in your life right now.

What is going to happen and how are you going to feel once all the tests have been done and they all come back negative and you're told that everything is fine Darren??

This is what concerns me, are you going to believe what you're told or are you going to think they've missed something and still be convinced that something is wrong??

Would you then be prepared to tackle your health anxiety?? because that's the route I think would be the best one for you Darren :)

07-08-13, 17:23
Going to have a long chat with GP tomorrow and get a few days off work - I've got to calm myself down and not coming to work for a few days would be a big weight off my mind. I am going to take a list of my symptoms again and ask him to think outside the box because I am going insane with worry. I've done myself no favours researching symptoms and matching them to illnesses! Something has got to give!

07-08-13, 22:41

Yes they will be looking at your glands. By if there is a something wrong like the things you are worried about I.e a tumour then they will see it. They can't not see it!

I had a scan to specifically looker gallstones and I had no gallstones. BUT whilst they were doing the scan they found something on my liver. I then had to have an MRI and it turned out to be a cyst.

I am sure I've already told you this but my someone I knows father had a ct scan for his heart and whilst they were looking at the heart they saw he had testicular cancer.

They will be taking images of your pelvis. And in the image will be you glands an everything else in the pelvis. They they will zoom right into the glands or whatever they are looking at. But they take an overall pic to start with. Same with your neck. Overall pic first then they will zoom in and take pics of specifics.

Think about it this way say you are taking a pic of a person. In the pic you will have the person but if the sun is in the background then the sun will also be in the pic. When you look at the pic you will see the person (I.e wht you were taking the pic of) but at the end of the day even of you were not taking a pic of the sun, it will still be in the photo. Because it is there - fact.